The handcraft section includes sewing, mosaics, decoupage, quilling, jewellery, macrame, card making and resin art to name a few.
We always review our schedule annually to include trending handcrafts.
Our Novice section encourages those who have never placed entries in the handcraft section. We look forward to seeing new exhibitors each year.
We have many classes for the children ranging from early childhood to Grade 7 and 8. There are many classes included starting with pet rocks for early childhood. Some other classes are beaded items, nature collage, feltcraft, macrame, pebble art any other handcraft not listed in the schedule.
One of our very popular sections is the Lego, both free form creations and creations using kit form, the display cabinet attracts both old and young alike at the show.
We appreciate the public voting for the aprons in the wall display and these aprons are then auctioned at 2pm on Saturday afternoon. Last years auction was highly entertaining and with very competitive bidders. The winning apron first prize money is $30 and second prize $20.
Looking forward to Tuesday 28th January, at 8am hoping to see new faces and old with lots of entries.
Our funds for prizemoney are raised by a very hard working committee which enables us to give $10 first and $5 second prizes. Also we have some very generous sponsors who provide vouchers to the same value. We would like to thank Anne Lindsay, Annas Restaurant/Bottlemart, Bev Batterham, Churches of Christ, Cuts and Curls, CWA Glen Aplin Branch, Gracious Giving, Groove n Grill Diner, Market in the Mountains, Pure Inca, Stanthorpe Workwear and Embroidery and the Cameron Family.
Enquiries to Kerry Johnson 0439861126