Community News

Stanthorpe in 1946

Key events in Stanthorpe, 1946: January 4 • New Year Welcomed The only public function to see the old year out and usher in the new was...

Stanthorpe in 1945

Key Stanthorpe events, 1945: January 5 • Pte J. H. Hodgson Killed In Action (Formerly a member of the Border Post Staff, age 24. Brother of...

60 Years in the Making exhibition Warwick Artists Group

Warwick Art Gallery will be presenting a very special exhibition this month. 60 Years in the Making is a celebration of the legacy of the...

Warwick Bridge Club…

The club has received the sad news of the death of Tom Graham. Tom came to club bridge rather late and found the protocols...

Stanthorpe in 1944

Key Stanthorpe events, 1944: January 11 • Growers Protest - Deputation will meet Prices Commissioner. At the largest meeting of growers since the time of...

Just Cuts coming to Rose City

With the rising cost of living making value for money more important than ever, Warwick residents can maintain their style and budget at their...

Council In Brief

Warwick Art Gallery highlights strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats A report from Warwick Art Gallery was tabled at the recent Ordinary Council Meeting, outlining the...

Letter to the editor

Ruled by Fools Australia has become a nation ruled by fools. We have surrendered power over every aspect of our lives and industry to fifteen debating...

Dad’s good for laughs

He fell in love the first time he held you, and cocked the shotgun when your first date arrived. He teaches, protects and loves...

State Government funds for Meals on Wheels to help provide better services for Queenslanders

Meals on Wheels services will continue to be delivered throughout the state, with the State Government extending funding for another two years. Minister for Communities...

Q&A with Tanya Roche and Tanya Cooper-McCloy

Q. If you could spend 24 hours anywhere, any year, where would you choose? Tanya Roche: Any 24 hours on my family’s North American Adventure...

Latest News

Cushions for a cause

Zonta Stanthorpe members stuffed and finished sewing 30 breast cushions. The breast cushion assembly is co-ordinated by Desleigh Volpato. These cushions together with Drainage Bags...