Students participate in Brain Workshop

Jennings Public School joined with Drake Public School, Mingoola Public School, St Joseph’s School and Woodenbong Public School at Sir Henry Parkes Public School for a Thinking Brain Workshop.
More than 80 students attended the workshop organised by the Country Areas Program (CAP) team. Students were taught about the different parts of the brain, their names and their functions.
They also learnt about the importance of looking after their brain, eating ‘brain food’ and drinking lots of water.
The students participated in ‘Brain Gym’ activities such as “The Dragon Dance”, during which they practised activating their right brain and left brain. For morning tea, everyone tried a variety of healthy brain food such as strawberries, raspberries and even goji berries.
Students drew the parts of the brain, but also created colourful plasticine models of the brain.
The highlight of the day was when each student dissected a sheep’s brain, identifying parts such as the brain stem, hypothalamus and amygdala.
It was a wonderful opportunity for everyone to actually see what they had been learning about.
The next workshop which will be held in October.