Police honour lost officers

Member for Northern Tablelands Richard Torbay last week joined more than 100 police officers, emergency services personnel, retired police officers, local government representatives and community members at the annual National Police Remembrance Day Service for the New England Local Area Command (NELAC).
The service, hosted this year by the Uralla community at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, was a moving tribute to the sacrifice made by officers and their families in the line of duty.
Mr Torbay presented a wreath on behalf of the Northern Tablelands community during the service.
“Police Remembrance Day is an opportunity to reflect on the work police officers and all emergency service personnel undertake on our behalf on a daily basis,” he said.
“Every time they leave their loved ones to go to work, the reality is that they may not return home at the end of the day.
“I appreciate their willingness to do that, to keep my family and I safe. It is a duty that most of us would shy from and it seems that Police Remembrance Day is the ideal time to say thank you.
“Police officers and emergency service personnel deserve our respect and support as they carry out their duties despite the inherent dangers they face daily.”
During the service, NELAC Commander Superintendent Bruce Lyons thanked the local government representatives for taking the time to attend from across the region.
He also addressed the gathering on the important role that the families of police officers perform and their sacrifices made through sharing their loved one with their duties as a NSW police officer.