Spring brings expansion of Peace Garden

The Warwick Peace Garden at Victoria Park, opposite Warwick Hospital, will have a beautiful new addition soon.
Talented local sculptor Paul Stumkat will be engraving native flora designs onto the sandstone entrance pillars to the garden.
Friends of Warwick Peace Garden treasurer, Lenore Neville, expressed gratitude to the Regional Arts Development Fund whose support made this artwork possible.
“These sculptures will be of a high standard, which will add to the attraction of the park to locals and visitors.
“The design will complement the existing plantings and features of the garden and contribute to its beauty and interest.”
The sculpting work follows additions by other local artists who have contributed to the garden, including Alain Colfs, Sue Keong and the large dove mosaic, which was created by Chris Hulme.
The Peace Garden has been designed by local gardening advisor Bill Greer and grew out of activity of the Warwick Peace Festival.
It is an ongoing project with planting and artworks added over time and aims to create a beautiful, quiet space which can be used by locals, hospital visitors, staff and patients or for community gatherings.
If you would like to see Paul at work, come along to the Peace Garden between 1pm and 3pm on Saturday and see the designs taking shape.
He will be happy to discuss his sculpting work; and Peace Garden Association members will also be on hand to talk about the development and future plans for the garden.
Light refreshments will be provided by the Friends of Warwick Peace Garden group.
Fund-raising activities are planned to help fund some final works for the garden, including concreting and lighting.
A fund-raising Spring Concert will be held on Sunday, November 6, at 2pm at the new School of Total Education auditorium featuring East Street Singers, Marimba band, Robbie Neville, Jill Hulme & ensemble, Panda and the Bears, among others.
Tickets for the concert and for some great raffle prizes, including an original garden gnome created by Chris Hulme, will be on sale at the Rodeo Markets at Leslie Park on Saturday, October 29.
For more details, contact Lenore Neville on (07) 4661 9962.
Friends of Warwick Peace Garden Inc will be holding their annual general meeting on Saturday at 3pm at the Peace Garden, following the sculpting demonstration.