Growing high quality at internationally competitive prices

Apple growers will get some tips on how to grow high quality fruit at internationally competitive prices at the upcoming Future Orchards’ orchard walk program to be held in the Stanthorpe district this month.
Technical advisor to the Apple and Pear Australia Ltd Future Orchards program and AgFirst consultant, Steve Spark, said there were many things the orchardist had to do to achieve the high quality goal.
“No one believes it will be easy, but it is possible and it’s a great goal to aim for. The Future Orchards walks will break the goal down and develop some specific targets that growers can aim for,” he said.
The orchard walk session will be held on Monday at the DEEDI Applethorpe Research Station conference room from 9am. The group will also visit apple orchards at Applethorpe during the morning.
The session will also feature a presentation from Queensland consultant Steve Tancred who is a specialist in a number of on-farm matters such as how to regulate growth to get high quality fruit, plant nutrition, pest and disease control, how to assess fruit quality for its intended storage regime and how to avoid flesh browning in Pink Lady apples.
There is a strong push for Australian growers to become more competitive in their orchard practices, given the competition that has now entered the market, with apple imports from China and New Zealand. The information provided at this Future Orchards session will help growers develop that competiveness.
The Future Orchards program is funded by Horticulture Australia Ltd with funds provided by apple and pear grower levies and the Federal Government.