Probus ponder Jumpers and Jazz success

A wall hanging decorating the Dining Hall at Slade
The ‘Jumpers and Jazz’ Festival was the topic at the Monthly Meeting of the Rose City – Warwick – Probus Club, held in the Slade Dining Hall – which was followed by a celebratory luncheon.
Although the weather was miserably wet and cold outside, the friendly atmosphere of the members present, dressed in their ‘jazziest’ winter attire, was warm indeed!. The hall and dining tables were also decorated to theme.
David Allen, the Probus South Pacific Ltd Northern Director, and his wife Joy, were guests of the club. Joy was given the difficult task of judging the ‘jazziest’ lady and man present – a difficult task indeed.
Following the meeting, the club was entertained by talented musician, David Bruggemann, on the saxophone. David lives locally and is now a third year student at Griffith University, studying Music Technology. Providing his own backing music on disc, David presented a selection of Jazz, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
A thoroughly enjoyable morning was had by all present – true to the ideals of Probus of Friendship, Fellowship and Fun.
The club is nearing its limit for accepting new members, so enquiries regarding membership should be directed to Don on 4661 3151 ASAP.