Cheryl joins Rotary

Cheryl Featherstone with Rotary Club of Warwick Sunrise president Peter Rodeck.

Rotary Club of Warwick Sunrise gained a new member recently.
Cheryl Featherstone, a long time Warwick resident, was inducted into the Rotary Club of Warwick Sunrise by club president Peter Rodeck.
Ms Featherstone said she was following in her father’s footsteps, as he was a member of the Lions Club for many years and she appreciated the satisfaction she saw he received by being involved in that club.
Ms Featherstone chose to join Rotary as she has worked for many years with fellow Rotarian John Head and considered the work and results achieved by Rotary to be admirable.
She had volunteered for about 25 years with various sporting groups but was now looking for something for herself, which also enabled her to meet new people.
Ms Featherstone receives a great deal of self satisfaction and joy from being part of a community and helping.  For Cheryl it is all about being able to give without question.
Rotary Club of Warwick Sunrise meets every Thursday morning from 7am to 8am and Ms Featherstone has participated in six of these meetings and has enjoyed the comradeship she has witnessed at the meetings.
She was impressed by the personal touch on the morning of her inauguration when she was warmly welcomed to the club with many handshakes and hugs from fellow Rotarians.
There are many inter-national, national and local community services provided by Rotary.  PolioPlus is an international service provided by Rotary in partnership with many other organisations dedicated to eradicating polio.
Nationally there is a Youth Science Forum each January for Year 11 students, which is supported by Rotary and locally Rotary is active in Jumpers and Jazz, Warwick Rodeo and Show, plus many other community events.
Ms Featherstone has taken on the role of volunteering for Rotary with enthusiasm and joined in the board meetings and participated in the Jumpers and Jazz Rotary events.
She would love to see more young people volunteering in groups’ events at all levels.
The Rotary Club of Warwick Sunrise welcomes new members so, if you are interested in attending a meeting and being part of a progressive community club, contact Peter Rodeck on 0408 154 478.