Harry’s magical journey lives on

MuggleCast is your weekly dive into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

By Emily-Rose Toohey

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter has been captivating the world since the first book’s publication in 1997.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was an instant success and subsequently launched six more books and eight movie adaptations.

In the twenty five years of Harry Potter’s existence, one thing has remained consistent: the fanbase, also known as Potterheads.

This said fanbase is what has kept the magic alive even ten years after the last film’s release in 2011.

A great example of this never-dying passion is MuggleCast, a Harry Potter podcast that was first establish in 2005.

The first episode came out on 7 August of that year, and all these years later, the show still puts out weekly episodes.

On Tuesday this week, the show released its 550th episode – an impressive feat.

The four hosts are now adults and have seen the growth of both the Potter fandom and their podcast.

As a person who only discovered the absolute delights of MuggleCast in the last two years, it’s mind-blowing to discover there’s years worth of content available for consuming, including discussions old theories as the books were releasing.

As a major, somewhat obsessive Harry Potter fan, the pleasure of stepping back into the world I love so much every week with people who have a similar passion is incredible.

Each episode covers detailed analyses, character studies, theories for future Harry Potter content, and Wizarding World news.

Overall, MuggleCast is essential listening for any Harry Potter fan – here’s to hoping the podcast never ends.

They’ve made it this long, after all.

MuggleCast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever podcasts are available.