Rose City Writers

The latest contribution from Rose City Writers is from Fleur Lind.

The latest contribution from Rose City Writers, this week from FLEUR LIND…

Check out more short stories at Fleur Lind’s website –

The Birthday Present

The heat and the crowds were turning Nel’s earlier determination to get the perfect present for her grandad, into an early defeat. Despite Sophie offering a lot of what she thought were helpful suggestions as they passed stalls at Eumundi Market, Nel, who was always appreciative of any help given by her shopaholic-guru best friend, felt despair as none of her prompts nor any of the stalls so far at the market had fired her inspiration. They had not found a present for her discerning grandad. Now all she longed for was an iced coffee. The caffeine hit would help boost her energy and her search for the present with the wow factor.

“So, What now?” Nel raised her hands up, another bead of sweat rolling into her eye, making it sting.

“You look how I feel. Let’s get out of this heat, grab a cold one and regroup. We can’t give up now. There are more stalls to see, but we need to get our mojo back. I can’t hold my title of ‘Best Shopper Ever’ if I can’t find something for your grandad, among 500 stalls! C’mon, we need iced coffee!! Follow me!”

“Oh, now you’re talking,” Nel flicked away another bead of sweat before it dropped into her eye. The humidity was cruel with the heatwave dominating the weather pattern. The iced coffee hit their tastebuds like a bomb, the flavour and chill working immediately like an intravenous drip. They ignored the brain freeze and sipped the sublime relief.

Feeling relaxed and cooled, Nel straightened up in her chair, “Well, if we don’t move now, I won’t get going.”

“We’ve got this!” Sophie affirmed, “I can feel it in my bones.”

“My bones are saying kick off the shoes and go to the beach!”

As they walked, Sophie saw the perfect gift.

An aged man was creating magic on his canvas with splashes and dashes of colour. His hand moved quickly but his skill was mesmerising to watch.

“Look! There! Grandad loves art, doesn’t he?”

Following Sophie’s pointed finger, Nel smiled.

“That’s it!”

“Phew! Crisis averted, that was a close one, Nel!”