Children learn to love their show in record numbers

Sarah Lockley and Theo Millard trying their luck with the Laughing Clowns. Record numbers of children were not only attending the Warwick Show this year but also entering competitions. Picture: CHRIS MUNRO

By Tania Phillips

Young people are rediscovering the local shows, according to Warwick Show and Rodeo secretary Terri Gilbert.

Terri said there were record numbers through the gate at the Warwick Show held from Friday through to Sunday as well as record entries in a lot of competitions particularly those aimed at the younger members of the community.

“The poultry section had record entries, the dog show had over 400 entries, big numbers in all of these,” the secretary said.

And even thunder, lightning and a little rain on Saturday didn’t dampen this year’s event too much – though some people decided not to risk it on Saturday night.

“It was a really successful show we had record entries and great gate entries and lots of support for everything,” she said.

“Our online tickets were really really good, they were four times better than last year. It was packed here on Friday night.”

While the increase in overall numbers had the committee smiling, what really heartened Terri was the interest from school children.

“It was amazing to see all the schools coming in and entering our stud cattle and stud lamb competition,” she said.

“It was really exciting to have young entrants. Our children’s sections of the cookery all had record entries this year. Young people are getting back to falling in love with their regional show which is always nice.”

She said the jury was out as to why the sudden resurgence in interest.

“We were talking about this the other day,” Terri said.

“Whether it’s the end of Covid and finding something to be interested in. Or just that the schools are into all the led cattle and all that so then the children learn about the show and know that they can enter into the cookery and other competitions too.

“I know that the show colouring in competition in Warwick Today had record numbers. I think all the kids are just falling in love with the shows.

“Of course we also spent time finding acts to entertain the children this time around. We had the Dinosaurs and the animal nursery, things for them to do. We had the scavenger hunt so they could travel around all the sections of the show and find their letter to win their prizes.”

More on the show, pages 11, 30-32.