Keep your brain active and join the bridge club

(Foreground) Ros Hart, Joyce McKeen, Jenny Smith and Barbara Reid in action.


Dealer: N Vul: E/W


♠ J

♥ 842

♦ AK10762

♣ K98


♠ Q7543 ♠ K10982

♥ AKJ765 ♥ Q109

♦ — ♦ 8

♣ J3 ♣ A1064


♠ A6

♥ 3

♦ QJ9543

♣ Q752

Why not learn to play bridge? Keep your brain active, make new friends and surprise yourself when you master the finer points of the best card game of them all. To find out more ring Neil on 0408 361 482.

In past Monday’s game a single point separated the first four place-getters.

Poking their noses just in front of three challengers were Tony Hinde and John Rose.

No doubt each of the equal second place-getters will look over the results to find out where they could have scored a point or two more.

Board nine (above) probably had the greatest effect on the results. At three tables North/South bid and made 5D, despite the computer prediction that 5D would fail by one trick. Declarer’s best chance to make that vital eleventh trick is to play several rounds of trumps, hoping to see either defender discard a club. Once that happens, N’s 9-8 of clubs become important cards. When the eight of clubs is led it would take nerves of steel for East to play a low card. If the Ace is played, declarer has no more losers in clubs. The pair who suffered most on this round were John Nankervis and Pat Kelly.

They, too, reached 5D, but Nea McGinness and Ros Hart overcalled 5S. This was a much more straightforward hand to play.

Declarer could draw East/West’s trumps in two rounds, then cash six heart winners, discarding three club losers along the way, losing only the Ace of diamonds and the Ace of spades.

John and Pat could do nothing to stop this and scored zero through no fault of their play. On this board Tony Hinde/John Rose scored 66 per cent, as did Neil Bonnell/Len Don, while Janny Sipple/Lindy Manson salvaged some points.

Results: Monday, 10/04/23 (4 & 1/2-table Howell): T. Hinde J. Rose (80pts); N. Bonnell L. Don (79) 2 eq; J. Nankervis P.Kelly (79) 2 eq; L. Manson J. Sipple (79) 2 eq. Friday, 14/04/23 (6-table Mitchell): N/S R. Hart Jenny Smith (61.5) 1; N. Collins M. Simpson (51.7) 2; N. Bonnell B. Bonnell (51.5) 3. E/W J. Mobbs T. Hinde (59.5) 1; D. Moran N. McGinness (56.2) 2; C. Duggan M. Johnston (54.8) 3.