All the fun of Mark’s Fete

Elise Taylor and Xanthan Laws having a go at Cornhole. Pictures: CHRIS MUNRO

The annual St Mark’s Parish Fete at Warwick – a local institution – has raised more that $12,500 this year.

Fete Chairman Greg Carey said the event, held in grounds of St Mark’s Anglican Church, was a lot of fun.

“More than $12,500 was raised by our amazing Parish volunteers by running the stalls for the cake and sweets, plants, BBQ, morning tea, craft, lucky numbers, jumble sale and the sale of books,” he said.

“More than 120 members were involved in either setting up, providing saleable items, and working at the stalls.”

Greg said the entertainment was a highlight with a new Warwick singing group called the Melomaniacs giving the crowd a taste of Broadway while the skills of the highland dancers were “a real pleasure to watch”.

“The new group from Warwick, the Filipino dancers, gave all a taste of the culture of the Philippines and this was followed by the Warwick Thistle Pipe Band whose performance was a great crowd pleaser.

“This Annual Fete has been run for more than 50 years with funds raised going towards the Parish and selected missions.

“This day was a great success for the Parish.”