Proper helmet care

The most important piece of safety equipment you will ever buy.

Hey bike fans, welcome to another edition of Geared to Ride, Rossey here again. Today I would like to talk to you about helmet care.

The motorcycle helmet is probably the most important piece of equipment you will ever use while riding a motorcycle, and even though it is mandated that you wear one, it’s important to understand how important they are.

Helmets are actually quite fragile in nature; I know it sounds ironic, this item is supposed to protect your noggin, but THIS is why it’s important to take care of it. Of course, if you crash and suffer a significant cranium impact, it will save your life. But if you drop your helmet on the ground, it may compromise the structural integrity of the helmet and not holdup in the unfortunate event your head hits the ground from a high side.

So here are some tips to keep your helmet safe:

1. Always ensure you store your helmet in a safe dry place, away from direct sunlight for extended periods while not it use. Put it back in its bag, this also helps with moisture.

2. When leaving your helmet on your bike, ensure it is not going to fall off. Don’t just sit it on your seat, the wind may blow it off. Secure it with the chin strap, or put it securely on your mirror, but double check it won’t fall off from there.

3. And don’t put it on the ground, you might get an eight-legged surprise run across your face while riding.

Helmets should be handled carefully, always hold onto it tight, don’t let it drop. But if you do, I’m sorry to say, your very expensive investment must be replaced after any significant impact. Also, you should replace your helmet every five years, as the materials it is made with can deteriorate over time.

If you’re thinking you should just buy a secondhand helmet to save money, please don’t. You don’t know how that helmet has been treated. Some dishonest people may sell the helmet simply because they have dropped it, and don’t want to take the risk themselves.

Also, when buying helmets, please purchase from a reputable dealer, be very wary of buying one off the internet, you should try it on and ensure you get a nice snug fit and ensure that it complies with AUS/NZ and ECE European standards. Check the helmets for tags and stickers indicating these standards.

And lastly, when tightening the chin strap, ensure you can fit two fingers between the strap and your chin (or chins in my case). That will ensure a good fit without being too tight and uncomfortable.

I can’t stress enough how important helmet care is, so please look after it, because your life may depend on it.

Take care out there, stay shiny side up, and ride your own ride, this is Rossey, and I’m going to get you Geared to Ride.