The racemeeting like no other

Rug up and dress up for the Picnic races. Pictures by Bubbles Barbierato Photography

By Tania Phillips

It’s the race meeting like no other, a chance to picnic, party and punt with friends and family – the 128th Warwick Automotive Picnic Races to held at the Warwick Turf Club on 17 June.

Turf Club Chief Operating Officer Kristen Doyle said the Picnic Races has evolved over time and is still one of the highlights on the racing calendar for locals and visitors.

“We call it the race day like no other because patrons can BYO their own food and drink and set up a picnic at their table with their guests, friends and family,” Kristen said.

“Patron numbers have increased immensely in the past five years and for regulations and safety reasons the Picnic area is for 18 plus adults only.

“Ticket sales are booming with 900 tickets sold already” Kristen said.

“Our Picnic Race Day is rare, other clubs have altered there Picnic Race Days to suit the economy but we’ve strived to keep the tradition alive for as long as possible. The Life members of the Warwick Picnic Races are still invited, they have complimentary passes for the event which is fitting given all the hard work they use to put in back in the day to keep the club going.”

The race day existed as a separate entity up until 2014 when the Turf Club took over the running of the event and it has continued to survive, thrive and expand ever since.

This year is currently a five race card non broadcast meeting but the Club are hoping to expand the day to a seven-race program again like 2022.

The event will have plenty to keep people entertained and not just on the track, off the track there are plenty of things to do with the ever-popular Warwick Hotel Fashions On The Field.

“We have three categories and there will be cash prizes for the best-dressed man, lady and couple,” Kristen said.

“And then we have the horse fashions, this is new – new sponsor Rebuild Relief have come on board and sponsored the band, Smooth Talk who will play from 5-9pm and the horse fashions will be for the best dressed strapper and the best presented thoroughbred and there’s cash prizes for them too.”

If you don’t want to miss the fashions or band you will need to purchase your $60 Picnic. Tickets are still on sale and will be available on the day as well.

Kristen said there is always a lot of interest in the Picnic Races making it one of the club’s best attended events on the calendar.

“People love to dress up and they have to rug up too, it can get quite chilly” she said.

“This year we have quite a few celebrations happening on course with a 60th birthday party with guests travelling from New Zealand, a large corporation with over 150 guests and an engagement party.”