Curiouser and Curiouser

The Caterpillar.

By Tania Phillips

The planning meetings and working bees are continuing and things are getting Curiouser and Curiouser the closer that the Yarntopians get to July.

The Yarntopians, the official yarn bombing team of Jumpers and Jazz in July, Warwick popular and quirky jazz and yarn bombing festival are hard at work preparing for their display according to group coordinator Loretta Grayson.

“Each year local and out-of-town crafters collaborate to produce a large-scale knitted and crocheted art installation,” she said.

“From 20 – 30 July this year, our “Curiouser and Curiouser” installation will transform the foyer of Warwick RSL’s historic Kings Theatre into a yarn- bombed wonderland.

“We will bring Lewis Carroll’s beloved Alice in Wonderland novel to life in a unique, delightful, and veryYarntopian way.

“Our team is friendly and welcoming and crafters of all ages and skill levels are welcome.

“Our planning meetings and working bees are informal, friendly and welcoming. We provide tea, coffee and morning/afternoon tea. We meet in the St Marks Middle Resource Room in Warwick. This room is located beside St Marks Anglican church, next to the office.”

As they get closer to July their working bees are running from 10am – 4pm.

The group has had crafters as young as six or seven up to people in their 90s – it doesn’t matter how old or young they are, they can join the Yarntopians

“And because it’s a team where anyone can subscribe to our newsletter and join in, the numbers of contributors change ever each year,” She said.

“We have around 12-15 local team members from the Warwick area who are the ones who put in months and months of planning and crafting and install everything and get together for planning meetings and working bees.

“Then we have other people like out of town contributors who subscribe to the newsletter and post us their contributions and then we have people who are local and want to knit and crochet in their homes. They send in their contributions.

“Over the years our participants can vary anywhere from about 50 people to a hundred. Last year we had around 60 contributors.”

The team have been working on Curiouser and Curiouser since last October November with several more months work ahead.

“We are always looking for more people to help and they can email or we’ve got a page on the Jumpers and Jazz Website.”