The best Beef Stroganoff

Wanye from W. Carey & Sons Quality Meats.

Beef Stroganoff

Serves 4


750g Carey’s beef strips

2 tbs plain flour, Salt and Pepper to taste

1 onion (diced/sliced)

250g sliced mushrooms (optional)

2 tbs Worcestershire sauce

1 cup Beef stock

2 tbs sour cream (full or light)

Serve with Pasta (or Rice) with side of fresh steamed beans and sliced carrots.

Heat oil in non stick pan over medium heat.


Coat beef strips in flour and salt and pepper to taste.

Add beef strips to pan in 2 batches over high heat, stir occasionally and set aside in separate dish once browned.

Add a little more oil, fry onions for approx 3 minutes then add mushrooms and cook until tender.

Return browned meat to pan with onions and mushrooms. Add stock and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to the boil.

Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer for 10 minutes, or until sauce has thickened slightly. Season with salt and pepper.

Remove from heat. Stir in sour cream.
