Thieves after your portable fridges

Police recommend securing your portable fridge to your vehicle with a lock.

By Dominique Tassell

Police have issued an alert to the community to be aware that portable fridges are being stolen from the rear tray of utilities.

Police say portable fridges are attractive items for thieves and can easily be removed from utility trays.

They recommend locking portable fridge to utility trays as this will be a deterrent to some thieves, but not all.

Police state that portable fridges are a target due to being easy to access on the back of utilities.

Police do not recommend leaving portable fridges unattended for any length of time.

To prevent the theft of your fridge, police encourage residents to secure their portable fridge inside the cabin of their locked utility.

If possible, police recommend parking your utility in a highly visible area and using off street or secured parking.

Police also recommend marking your portable fridge with a unique personal code, as this will make it harder for thieves to pawn your fridge and easier for police to identify it if located.


Police recommend residents do the following to assist in reducing the risk of having your portable fridge stolen by opportunistic thieves:

Do not leave the vehicle unattended for any length of time.

Secure your portable fridge inside the cabin of your locked utility.

Park off road in a secure location whenever possible.

Mark your property.

If you witness suspicious activity, please report it to police.