Brussel Sprouts get a makeover

Brussell sprouts and bacon fresh from the market.

By Bridget Ryan

As a child my father grew brussels sprouts to supplement our sheep feed during winter.

Mum would make us pick some of the bigger ones to boil to mush to supplement the human’s diet.

Nobody got sick from mums cooking but there were no requests for recipes to go into the local CWA cookbook or prizes at the local show.

But this vegetable has come into its own given the right treatment!

Picked young and green they are a delicious base for this meal.


Olive oil

1 x onion diced

Chilli (optional to taste)

2 cloves garlic

4 rashers of bacon thinly sliced

250g Brussels Sprouts ends trimmed and quartered

¼ cup white wine or chicken stock

Salt and pepper

Parmesan cheese grated to serve.

Cook onions, garlic and chilli in olive oil until soft. Add bacon and brussels sprouts, fry for a couple of minutes then add the wine/stock. Reduce liquid. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with gnocchi, pasta, noodles and top with parmesan.

Make sure you pay Tash and I a visit at Granite Belt Farmers Market, Stanthorpe Railway Yards, Davadi Street, every Friday from 7.30am – 1pm to pick up all the produce (yes even the bacon) needed for this recipe and so much more.