Lover’s leap

The latest contribution from Rose City Writers, this week from RICHARD GRIFFITH...

By Richard Griffith

Soaring Eagle was a proud young man. Proud enough that he stood at the edge of the highest cliff in all the land. Proud enough to take the step off what had become known as Lover’s Leap. Which was exactly what he did.

The fierce wind rushing past his ears did not make nearly the noise he thought it would. Neither did the rustling of his clothing, the whipping of his long hair, or anything else. He barely heard any sound at all. In fact, it was dead silent as he fell.

He thought about how he had gotten to this point. About how he had fallen in love with the most beautiful woman. But Wildflower did not return his love. She hardly noticed him at all. Instead, she showed affection for a handsome brave named Standing Fox.

Soaring Eagle had tried everything to win her affections away from Standing Fox. He presented her his best pelts, gave her first choice of his hunts, and helped her gather food for her sickly parents. It was all to no avail. He could not alter the course of her heart away from Standing Fox.

Rejected and depressed, Soaring Eagle sought to end his pain. Off to Lover’s Leap he trekked and off the edge he leaped. Falling into the winding canyon far below.

It was then that he caught sight of an Eagle diving with him. A beautiful bird. Majestic as it soared about. It circled him even in his descent. It almost seemed to call out to him.

Soaring Eagle’s spirits lifted. He realized the folly of his wasted affections. He vowed to change his heart if the spirits let him live. He would let Wildflower follow her heart as he would follow his away from her. She may be the one that got away, but there were others that might welcome his affections. He then closed his eyes and prayed for a miracle.

Anyone watching would have seen a boy and an Eagle dive into the wild canyon, but they would have seen two eagles soar out.