Letters to the editor

This week's letters focus on the Emu Swamp Dam project.

Emu Swamp Dam

Several things I can’t understand is the amount of time and money being spent on Emu Swamp Dam, if the money that has been spent since the first negative report was spent on the excellent site Marika McNichol pointed in her letter to the editor we might be well and truly on the way to drought proofing not only the Granite Belt but a large slice of country watered by Glen Lyon dam as well, furthermore this alternate site has two other benefits it would help mitigate the flood risk for Texas through to Goondiwindi, given the massive amount of water that flows through this area it could deliver a lot of much needed clean green power. I am led to believe that the site Marika pointed out is very close to the site that was suggested for flood mitigation for Texas.

Climate change is supposed to see larger and more severe drought, heat waves and other weather extremities, it has been said that Emu Swamp Dam won’t supply water for drought lasting more than three years, as a person with little formal education but several degrees from the University of Hard Knocks I know it would make sense to build a dam that would at least drought proof the district for now and well into the future.

One thing for certain is that the first Environmental Impact Statement was a dud it missed out a lot of plants and animals as others have pointed out, but the mere fact it missed what may have been Queensland’s first Uranium mine surely must jeopardise the whole project, just using the precautionary principle any educated person should have said enough is enough and closed the Emu Swamp project down.

– John Salata, Glen Aplin

Dam thoughts

As a ratepayer I am not interested in the childish to and fro that has been going on, just the following:

1. Why is SDRC investing in a primarily private enterprise project?

2. Who are the “hidden” people involved?

3. What is the cost to all Southern Downs ratepayers?

Straight forward questions, should deserve no spin, straight forward answers from SDRC!

– Denis Kenny, Warwick

Don’t be POWty

Dear POWters, Mr Morison and Mr Thornton (not anonymous),

We’re sensing some anger in your responses. Good! For 30 years lots of money has been poured into this project from Government and Private Investors. Are they angry? You bet they are when small groups continually attack them, or hold things up selfishly. Mr Thornton demands the list of investors? For what means? Is it to attack these people? Harass them personally? Still you add no substance to your arguments. Are you the best the POWters have to offer? Most probably.

The Community still awaits all your professional credentials. Do you realise? No you don’t… “COUNCIL WON’T OWN THE DAM.” They are customers only. So how will they be paying over run costs which won’t happen anyway? You cry about sarcasm, but you deserve nothing more for your constant attacks on anyone who shares a differing opinion to you or anyone that has facts.

Remember who was the sarcastic one that came up with “Emu Swamp Dam Brigade?” Mr Morrison continually quotes from the Ghd report but still fails to acknowledge the Jacob’s report which is considerably more detailed by a long shot. And yet he also screams of a supposed political agenda.

The new Council voted in support of ESD. Even Councillors who previously didn’t have now. Was it a change of leadership?

You both fail to be taken seriously. At least the targeted Councillor achieved a week off from being a focus. All we see are the foot soldiers commenting. Who is the true leader of the pack? Will the real puppet master show their face? Probably not.

How many of the POWters actually live on the Southern Downs and pay rates? Mr Thornton is a resident of NSW. Why does he get to make such demands? Also a disgruntled Ex Councillor seems to have become very vocal on the letters to the editor. Funny how he quickly changed his mind in support of ESD once he used it to get voted in. If you choose to attempt another run maybe don’t campaign on what you don’t plan on following through?

It’s time for NEW WATER!

It’s time for job security and food security for our Nation, the Granite Belt and Southern Downs.

Everyone get behind this project. Don’t let the few ruin it for the many.

On a final note from noisy POWter Geoffery – he he he ho ho ho ha ha ha! Real mature.

– The Emu Swamp Dam Brigade.

If you have a letter or opinion you would like to share with Warwick/Stanthorpe Today readers, send your Letter to the Editor to newsdesk@warwickstanthorpetoday.com.au or drop it into our office at 94 Palmerin St, Warwick.

The editorial team holds the right to edit or withhold letters.