Pink with purpose

Nadia Barnes, Nikki Dean, Kylie Linton, Julie Beddow, Jodie Cosmo, and Emily Linton.

The Zonta Club of Stanthorpe held its annual Pink Dinner last Saturday night at the Queensland College of Wine and Tourism.

This event continues to support the battle against Breast cancer.

Funds raised this year will be given to the local Stanthorpe Cancer Support Group and Breast Cancer Research.

Women from throughout Queensland dressed up in Pink evening wear to reflect on this major issue that has touched so many lives.

Speaking on the night was Simone Willis who shared her touching story on the impact of breast cancer on young women.

Many women must delay having children while having cancer treatment, and some are unable to get pregnant after harsh treatments.

Simone was able to share her good news that she now has a baby boy, Aiden.

The Zonta Club is thankful for all the local support, particularly Anne Lindsay who acted as MC and ran the auction.