SDRC approves lease for Allora Show Society

By Dominique Tassell

Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) approved a lease to the Allora Show Society Inc. at the recent ordinary council meeting.

The lease applied to Lot 1 on SP302786 in accordance with the council lease policy and Section 236 of the Local Government Regulation 2012.

The motion also delegated authority to the chief executive to negotiate and finalise the terms of the lease with the Allora Show Society.

The Allora Show Society has a trustee lease over the reserve for showgrounds, which commenced in July 2018 and expires in June 2028.

Council purchased the freehold land in 2009 for $280,000 primarily for it to be used in conjunction with the adjoining reserve for showgrounds.

The freehold land was originally in three separate parcels described as Lot 21, 22 and 23 on A219 which has now been amalgamated into one parcel being 5.357 hectares.

A lease was granted to the Allora Show Society over the freehold land in July 2009 and expired in June 2018.

There has been no formal tenure over the land since the expiry of the lease. The annual rental was calculated at a commercial rate to be reviewed annually by CPI.

A report was presented to SDRC for consideration on 24 March 2021 regarding the lease of the freehold land.

Council resolved to offer a joint lease of the freehold land to the Allora Show Society, Allora and District Campdraft Association Inc. (Campdraft Association) and the Allora Heritage Weekend Association Inc.

The lease was to be offered as a commercial lease in line with the previous tenure.

In the meeting, a staff member noted that a meeting couldn’t be made with all three groups and that Allora Show Society then indicated to SDRC they didn’t really want a joint lease.

The Heritage Weekend Association has confirmed they do not want to be involved in the joint lease arrangement and were satisfied with the existing arrangement to hire the facility for events as required.

The Allora Show Society Executive Committee has also changed to include a member of the Campdraft Association so their interests are catered to.

SDRC will receive an annual income of $223.74 including GST for a community lease over the freehold land adjoining the Allora Showgrounds in accordance with the Council Lease Policy.

The motion was moved Cr Marco Gliori and seconded by Cr Stephen Tancred.