Cr Andrew Gale found to have engaged in inappropriate conduct

Cr Andrew Gale was found to have engaged in inappropriate conduct during an incident last year.

By Dominique Tassell

Southern Downs Regional Council moved a motion stating that Cr Andrew Gale engaged in inappropriate conduct during an incident last year at the recent Ordinary Council Meeting.

The motion, moved by Cr Stephen Tancred and seconded by Cr Ross Bartley, stated that Council would note receipt of this Councillor Complaint Investigation Report, and confirmed that Cr Gale “engaged in inappropriate conduct as defined under Section 150K of the Local Government Act 2009”.

Orders were made by Council in the motion to have Cr Gale make a public admission that he engaged in inappropriate conduct and that the apology be recorded in Council minutes.

Cr Gale must also send a written apology to those involved and attend training or counselling to address his conduct at his own expense with evidence provided to the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer.

He has also been advised that if he engages in the same type of conduct again, it will be treated as misconduct.

In the report provided to Council, it was stated that Cr Gale acted in an aggressive and threatening manner when visiting a Warwick store on September 12 last year.

“It is alleged a business staff member was left visibly shaken by the encounter,” the report read.

“The complainant considered the councillor’s behaviour to be unacceptable and unethical.”

In a statement, Cr Gale stated he fully trusts his colleagues and respects their decision.

“I am deeply regretful that the matter panned out the way it did and in hindsight, I would have handled the matter better,” he said.

“I have learnt from the experience and accept the consequences of my actions.”

He stated that he wanted to assure the community that he did not identify himself as a councillor during the incident nor attempt to use his position to influence the situation.

Cr Gale stated he will carry out the requirements of Council’s decision, including counselling, and knows this will make him a better person and Councillor.

During the Council meeting, councillors debated whether they should speak about the topic in a confidential session.

Cr Tancred stated they should stay open and transparent.

He said they received a report and had the opportunity to make enquiries.

Cr Sheryl Windle was in support of the meeting going into a confidential session and said she was simply being protective of another councillor

Councillors voted not to go confidential, however, after the meeting broke for morning tea councillors had a confidential discussion.