Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

Agent this week saw increased numbers for both Tuesday cattle sale and Wednesdays sheep and lamb sale.

There were some good lines of livestock across most of the categories and Tuesday saw an increase across the board for all the stock on offer.

Wednesday saw a decline in prices due to staffing levels in one major buyer not being able to operate.

Having said that the lamb prices topped at $300 for some very good purebred Southdown ewe lambs.

Pork and Poultry numbers whilst still good saw prices down compared to sales 12 months ago.

Cattle numbers

Vealer Steers averaged 634.6c/kg to 758.2c/kg or $1723.05 to $2523.87

Vealer Heifers averaged 571.8c/kg to 768.2c/kg or $1484.19 to $1879.35

Feeder steers averaged 571.9c/kg to 676.2c/kg or $2398.85 to $2842.80

Feeder Heifers averaged 530.2c/kg to 600.2c/kg or $1916.53 to $2558.01

Yearling Steers averaged 616.6c/kg to 738.2c/kg or $2129.22 to $2732.22

Yearling Heifers averaged 558.6c/kg to 608.2c/kg or $1991.31 to $2539.85

Steers averaged 469.8c/kg to 590.2c/kg or $2885.49 to $3627.85

Heifers averaged 446.2c/kg to 538.2c/kg or $ $2126.61 to $3053.68

Manufacturing Steers averaged 436.8c/kg to 465c/kg or $2708.43 to $3319.03

Cows averaged 383.5c/kg to 424.2c/kg or $2213.78 to $3532.86

Bulls averaged 403.4c/kg to 740.2c/kg or $2191.11 to $3847.69

Agents and vendors combined to sell 2062 head for the weekly sale.

As mentioned with one major buyer not operating this saw a fall across the board.

Sheep and lamb numbers

Lambs topped at $300 to average $169.01 a drop of $8/head

Hoggets topped at $220 to average $161.92 a jump of $16/head

Ewes topped at $198 to average $116.87 par with last week

Wethers topped at $190 to average $163.12 a jump of $8/head

Lamb Rams topped at $230 to average $155.68 a drop of $31/head

The total yarding averaged $155.68 across the 2062 head.

Pig and poultry numbers

Sows sold from $210 to $402, Boars $170 to $200, Pork $178 to $250, Sores $121 to $144

Quails sold to $20, Guinea Fowl to $80, Peking chicks to $17.50, Ducklings to $20, Ducks to $20, Hens to $32.50 , Roosters to $13

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents today yarded 2062 head for the weekly sale.

The market was drawn from our Border regions as well as the New England and our local and Western growers.

The rain around some of the areas also led to the non-attendance of some vendors livestock.

Staffing issues still saw one exporter sidelined but we still had the main buyers as well as one exporter operating.

Lambs today topped a $300 to average $169.01 ($8down), hoggets topped at $220 to average $161.92 ($16up), ewes topped at $198 to average $116.87 (Par), wethers topped at $190 to average $163.12 ($8up), ram lambs topped at $230 to average $155.68 ($31down).

The sale average even with a high of $300 for some pure-bred Southdown ewe lambs was only $155.68 a drop of $15/ head for the week-on-week prices.

• Melissa Ramsay topped the sale with some Southdown ewe lambs 45.4kg selling to restockers for $300 , 45.3kg wether lambs to Tonys Supa Meats and Eversons for $196

• Gooroo Grazing sold Dorper lambs 50.5kg to Leslie Lamb for $199.50, 50.5kg to GR Prime for $192, 45kg to Jock Young for $189, 45kg to GR Prime for $166

• Marty & Margie Kerlin sold Suffolk lambs 51kg to Eversons for $190

• Andy Ferrier sold Dorper x lambs 53.4kg to Leslie Lamb for $199.50

• Tim Jerrett sold Dorper x lambs 47.35kg to Eversons for $188

• Diana Crumblin sold 52.5kg Dorper x lambs to Eversons for $198, ewes to Fletchers International for $155

• Phil & Gabe Byrnes sold Dorper x ewes to Fletchers International for $147

• JH & JC Richardson sold Suffolk ewe hoggets 74kg to restockers for $210, 60.8kg to restockers for $206, ewes to restockers for $190, ewes to Eversons for $ 150 and $120 rams to Eversons for $140

• John & Regina Henry sold Dorper x lambs 47.5kg to Eversons for $184 and 46kg to Grants Quality Meats for $182, ewes to Fletchers International for $170, Dorper ram 4th to restockers for $175

• Waren & Wendy Schelbach sold Dorper lambs 43.6kg to GR Prime for $192

• Richie MC Cowen sold 1st x Border Leicester x ewe hoggets 49.3kg and 43.2kg to restockers for $172 and $130, cfa Merino ewes to restockers for $52

• Von Souvlis sold Dorper x lambs 43.5kg to Eversons for $164, 52.5kg hoggets to Eversons for $168

• Deborah Kelly sold Dorper lambs 55kg to Take It Easy Meats for $212, 65kg hoggets to Eversons for $220