Apple and Grape arch back up in huge local effort

By Dominique Tassell

In what is sure to be an effort remembered in the history books, the Stanthorpe Apple and Grape Harvest Festival arch on Main Street was put back up on Friday after being destroyed in a car crash the week prior.

It took a huge amount of effort, with locals working through the night to accomplish the massive feat in just a few days.

Apple and Grape Harvest Festival President Russell Wantling was all smiles as the arch went up.

“They said we couldn’t do it!”

He said locals worked on the arch for approximately four days, with plenty of blood sweat and tears going into it.

Southern Downs Regional Council Mayor, Vic Pennisi, was present as the arch went back up and climbed to the top to take a photo and acknowledge the huge effort from locals.

“It’s thumbs up to those dedicated locals who worked around the clock to repair the arch at the northern end of the main street in Stanthorpe in just one week,” he said online.

“They are the local heroes, they are the engine room of community and this is a great example of community members coming together when the chips are done.

“Well done to all involved.”