Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

The sales continued this week with agents yarding 692 head of cattle for the weekly sale and then at the sheep and lamb sale agents yarded 1417 head for the sale.

The markets were firm to a shade easier mainly price-related on type and weight.

The markets are seeing the feed on and back to the paddock types dominating the numbers across most sectors of stock from the pork, beef and sheep meats.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 640.4c/kg topping at 720.2c/kg or $1734.04 to $2177.55

Vealer heifers averaged 598.3c/kg topping at 680c/kg or $1629.75 to $2046.00

Feeder steers averaged 575.6c/kg topping at 642.2c/kg or $2461.74 to $2949.75

Feeder heifers averaged 533.6c/kg topping at 584.2c/kg or $1885.03to $2280.80

Yearling steers averaged 600.1c/kg topping at 670.2c/kg or $2023.82 to $2782.50

Yearling heifers averaged 559.9c/kg topping at 620c/kg or $1593.96 to $2110.43

Steers averaged 453c/kg topping at 542.2c/kg or $2704.22 to $3389.76

Heifers averaged 417.4c/kg topping at 440.2c/kg or $2077.04 to $2502.40

Manufacturing steers topping at 370.2c/kg or $2239.71

Cows averaged 366.3c/kg topping at 388.2c/kg or $2178.83 to $2720.20

Bulls averaged 378.4c/kg topping at 580.2c/kg or $2147.93to $3748.50

Sheep and lamb numbers

Sheep and lambs were a mixture of both light trade and feed on lambs making up the majority as well as a few runs of trade and export types.

The market was fully firm for processing stock but eased in the lighter end.

Lambs topped at $236 to average $166.80 a gain of $6/head

Hoggets topped at $231 to average $165.08 a gain of $5/head

Ewes topped at $184 to average $148 a gain of $10/head

Wethers topped at $193 to average $174.46 a gain of $36/head

Lamb rams topped at $180 to average $125.35 a drop of $25/head

The total sale yarding of averaged $164.33/ head which was a rise of $9/head

Pig and poultry numbers

Sows sold from $154 to $280, Boars $150 to $238, Stores $71 to $202, Calves from $100 to $900, Guinea fowl to $35, Roosters to $8, pullets to $10/5pack, chicks to $22.50/6pack, hens to $6, Ducklings to $12.50/6 pack

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

The threat of storms didn’t slow the numbers for the weekly sale with vendors sending 1284 to market.

The market was dominated by lambs and within the different weights, sexes and breeds were the opportunity for all buyers to participate.

The export lambs were a shade dearer than last week and the trade and back to the paddock job was fully firm.

Lambs topped at $226 to average $169.19 ($24up),hoggets topped at $170 to average $118.76 ($36down), ewes topped at $170 to average $120.72 (Par), wethers topped at $159 to average $157.41 ($17up), lamb rams topped at $160 to average $140.83 ($8down).

The total yarding averaged $149.76 a rise of $7/head for the sale.

• Rodgers P/L sold Aussie White ewe lambs 49.4kg to restockers for $200, wether lambs 49.4kg to GR Prime for $199

• Keith Coban sold Dorset x wether lambs 60kg to Thomas Foods for $214, ewe lambs 58.1kg to restockers for $223

• James & Tracy Cooper sold Dorper x lambs 47.9kg to Leslie Lamb for $205

• John & Regina Henry sold Dorper x lambs 46kg to GR Prime for $190

• Vermont Past Co sold 2nd x Dorset lambs 51.66kg to Leslie Lamb for $186, to Warwick Meats for $185, 49.66kg to Shelley F/T for $174

• Tom & Tracie Cooper sold Dorset x lambs off feed 53.3kg to Thomas Foods for $188, 57.5kg to Thomas Foods for $198

• Warren & Tracy Ohl sold 47.2kg Dorper x lambs to GR Meats for $180, 42.9kg to Shelley F/T for $167, 47.4kg hoggets to Eversons for $135

• Archer Past Co sold Xbred lambs 50kg to GR Prime for $160, 44.1kg to GR Prime for $129, 29.6kg lambs to GR Prime for $130, 25kg to restockers for $101, 17.5kg to restockers for $70, ewe and lamb units for $132 to restockers , ewes to Thomas Foods for $170, ewes to Eversons for $80

• Reg Cooke sold Dorper lambs 58.6kg to Thomas Foods for $209, 50.33kg to GR Prime for $206, 45.9kg to GR Prime for $180, 41.4kg to GR Prime for $172, 75kg hoggets to Eversons for $170

• Tony Logan sold 52.7kg Damara x hoggets to Whites Trading for $125, rams and wethers to Whites trading for $116