Division decision needed

A decision regarding divisions for the 2024 election will have to be made soon, SDRC has confirmed.

By Dominique Tassell

A decision regarding divisions for the 2024 election will have to be made soon, Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) has confirmed.

SDRC chief executive, Dave Burges confirmed that they will be turning their minds to this later this year, as they will have to apply for divisions 12 months out from the March 2024 election.

When asked if there would be community consultation regarding this, Mr Burges stated this may be a formal or informal process.

“Whether it’s the elected members talking to the community, there’s a variety of ways we can do that.”

He stated they need to “gauge the sentiment of the community” on divisions and then apply or request from the State Government that the Southern Downs go to divisions.

The topic of divisions in the region came up at both the Leyburn and Allora Connecting with Council meetings last year.

Leyburn locals stated that the community felt disconnected and unrepresented by SDRC.

They stated they wanted a town representative; someone who knows the area and can communicate with SDRC for them.

This started discussions on divisions in the region.

At the Allora meeting prior to that, a local stated they “have no representation on this end of the shire”.

Mayor Vic Pennisi stated at the Allora meeting that SDRC has committed to having a conversation on this issue.

SDRC agreed in the Allora meeting to go to community engagement in relation to divisions and what the community feels about divisions.

Then, based on community sentiment, they stated they would make a recommendation to the state government.

Mayor Pennisi stated at the time that the topic of divisions has been raised to previous councils, and this council is committed to discussing it.

“But it will depend on what everybody thinks about that.”