Region house insurance embargoed

A house insurance embargo in the region was discussed at 9 March Ordinary Council Meeting.

By Emily-Rose Toohey

Southern Downs residents have voiced concerns about a recently implemented house insurance embargo for the region, discussed at 9 March Ordinary Council Meeting.

Embargoes on insurance policies take effect when events like fires, flood or cyclones are likely to impact an area.

Cr Ross Bartley said at council that house insurance at certain postcodes within our region, including 4370, have become embargoed due to the recent flooding.

“We have had some effects from the floods, but we’re far from being a disaster zone, yet we’re included in that flood overlay,” Cr Bartley said.

“It’s something we need to take up with our local member to send a message back – that we think the insurance companies are being a little harsh in this situation.

“This embargo means that for someone moving into a new house and they want to insure it, they literally cannot.”

Embargoes ultimately prevent people buying insurance when risks are high, which Cr Bartley said is a complex issue.

“It wouldn’t be easy sleeping at night knowing your residence isn’t insured,” he said.

Southern Downs Regional Council Mayor Vic Pennisi said he will be writing a formal letter about the issue and contacting the necessary company’s.

“This is to get the process going sooner rather than later,” Cr Pennisi said.

Cr Bartley brought the matter up in council’s General Business section.