Editor’s Desk

Dominique "Mini" Tassell.

By Dominique Tassell

Fun fact about me: I grew up absolutely terrified of bees and wasps.

While I’m all grown up and no longer scream at the sight of them and admire their environmental work, I still won’t be getting my own hive anytime soon.

This is all leading up to me saying that over the weekend I got stung all over my body by a bunch of wasps. It hurt. A lot.

I am in Spain without the S. Is that too ‘Tik Tok’ of a joke?

That aside, Emily and I had an absolute blast over the weekend covering the Warwick Show. I haven’t personally been on any show rides in a few years, and thoroughly enjoyed that aspect.

The highlight was without a doubt the pet parade, and you can find a full page dedicated to photos from that on page 26.

I also loved seeing the sheepdogs, and wish I’d been able to bring my own border collie, Hazel, to witness it.

Overall, it was just wonderful to see an ag show go ahead. With so much uncertainty throughout the pandemic, I’m so glad at least a few of ours got to go ahead. It is sad that we didn’t save them all, but a blessing we didn’t lose them all too.

We have some interesting stories in this week’s edition; we’ve covered the backlash to the kerbside waste collection expansion and Council’s deliberation over where to relocate the Stanthorpe Art Gallery and Library to.

We also have the entertainment page, which I’ve received lots of positive feedback from locals on. This week we have something for the kids, but I also review one of my favourite new shows I’ve watched recently.

The events bonanza is also coming to an end, with the final huge event for a while on this weekend in the form of CelticFest. We all know I love pies, but I don’t know just yet if I’m up for haggis pie. I did actually grow up with Irn Bru at my local corner store, and will definitely be enjoying that.