Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

The sales saw an increase of stock numbers at numbers at both the main sales this week.

The cattle market was firm across the board with the re-emergence of the major exporters.

The back to the paddock and light trade types are still the main drivers.

The sheep and lamb market saw an increase of numbers with some good runs of both mutton and lamb types.

The market eased for the export weights and was kept to a par with the firm restocker interest.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 727.7c/kg topping at 894.2c/kg or $1688.68 to $2239.28

Vealer heifers averaged 605.5c/kg topping at 695.2c/kg or $1557.08 to $2050.21

Feeder steers averaged 568.7c/kg topping at 700.2c/kg or $2244.91 to $2945.10

Feeder heifers averaged 547c/kg topping at 588.2c/kg or $1943.99 to $2141.37

Yearling steers averaged 653c/kg topping at 738.2c/kg or $1917.16 to $2691.90

Yearling heifers averaged 569.3c/kg topping at 616.2c/kg or $1901.43 to $2760.00

Steers averaged 487.8c/kg topping at 606.2c/kg or $2680.56 to $3220.00

Heifers averaged 448.5c/kg topping at 570.2c/kg or $2061.27 to $2541.56

Manufacturing steers averaged 464.2c/kg to return $2088.90 per head

Cows averaged 352.3c/kg topping at 389.2c/kg or $2163.12 to $3093.04

Bulls averaged 456.7c/kg topping at 1018.2c/kg or $2243.03 to $3665.52

Sheep and lamb numbers

Sheep and lambs were a mixture of both light trade and feed on lambs making up the majority as well as a few runs of trade and export types.

The market was fully firm for processing stock but eased in the lighter end and the export mutton.

Lambs topped at $212 to average $159.40 a drop of $10/head

Hoggets topped at $232 to average $168.10 a gain of $50/head

Ewes topped at $158 to average $119.17 on par with last week

Wethers topped at $170 to average $121.39 a drop of $36/head

Lamb rams topped at $185 to average $123.30 a drop of $17/head

The total sale yarding of 2326 averaged $146.57/head which was a drop of $3/head

Pig and poultry numbers

Sows sold from $170 to $400, Stores $40 to $142, Light Pork $159 to $181, Gilts $180 to $260, Chicks sold to $17.50, Ducklings to $12.50, Roosters to $12.50, Pullets to $17.50

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents today yarded 2326 head for the weekly sale with some good runs of sheep and lambs arriving from the Southwest, Maranoa and New England as well as local vendors.

The market was fully supported with all the regular buyers as well as plenty of back to the paddock buyers looking for some replacement stock.

Lambs today topped at $212 to average $159.40 ($10down), hoggets topped at $232 to average $168.10 ($50up), ewes topped at $158 to average $119.17 (par), wethers topped at $170 to average $121.39 ($36down), lamb rams topped at $185 to average $123.30 ($17down).

The total sale average of $146.57 was down by only $3/head from last week.

• Errol Luck sold Dorper x lambs off feed 59.1kg to Thomas Foods for $210

• Gooroo Grazing sold Dorper x lambs 45.6kg to Highchester Meats for $176, 55kg lamb rams to restockers for $167, 55kg hoggets to Eversons for $164, ewes to Eversons for $116, ewes to Thomas Foods for $158

• Rory & Kathy Frost sold Dorper x lambs 44.5kg to Highchester Meats for $190

• Banbri P/L sold Dorper x lambs 49.4kg to Uniplaza Meats for $200, 43.1kg to GR Prime for $159, 40.7kg to Elliots Butchery for $140, 48.3kg hoggets to Uniplaza Meats for $172, ram lambs 55kg to Eversons for $150, 48.3kg hogget rams to restockers for $159

• Vermont Past sold 2nd X Dorset lambs 52.5kg and 48.75kg to Warwick Meats for $181 and $170, shorn lambs 52.1kg to Thomas Foods for $185, 48.9kg lambs to Leslie Lamb for $174

• Muirlawn Past sold Xbred lambs 46.08 to restockers for $180, 46.8KG to Shelley F/T for 172, 43.8kg to GR Prime for $160

• Stone F/T sold Dorper lambs 67.6kg to Thomas Foods for $212, 58.2kg to Thomas Foods for $208, 49.4kg to Uniplaza Meats for $200, 43.8kg to GR Prime for $195, 34.3kg to restockers for $160, ewe lambs to restockers for $200 and $190 lamb rams 57.5kg to restockers for $ 185, to Warwick Meats for $160

• Tamerang Past Co sold ewe hoggets 60kg to restockers for $232, Lambs 55.4kg to Warwick Meats for $190, 51kg ewe lambs to restockers for $116

• Landers & Little sold forward store Dorset x lambs 46kg to GR Prime for $161, 46kg to restockers for $165, 40kg and 41 kg to restockers for $150