Bits n Bobs

By Fleur Lind

The latest contribution from Rose City Writers, this week from FLEUR LIND…

Check out more short stories at Fleur Lind’s website –

Bits n Bobs

I’ve made grown men drool when they hold me in the same manner they would the crown jewels. I have also made a few women swoon as well as they admire my body and roll my bits between their fingers. And the young ones’ dream and aspire to great things as well, when in my company.

I can’t blame them though. I have a sleek easy fit handle to grip, my power trigger is always ready for action, and my bits – well it’s hard to compare, really. I’m the top of the range, high end. It’s hard to top me.

I meet a select market, but the rookie DIYers buy me anyway. They should start on a junior model, but they are overwhelmed with my features, and I become a ‘must-have’ in their eyes.

I am an electric drill with an extensive range of ‘do most things, on selected hard surfaces’ drill bits. I also have a list of ‘Do-Not’s’ to cover me against misuse.

The rookies hold me with less expertise than the tradies who have far more experience, their tongues poking out from the corner of their mouth as they concentrate on the job at hand. They give a ‘near enough’ uneducated guess and raise their eyebrows as they burrow me and my bit hard down into the surface of their task. This is the work of amateurs and is bound to lead to trouble.

I carve through the hard surface, my powerful thrust leaving a perfect hole and a pile of shavings. I do this with smooth professional ease, my motor giving an assertive purr. I can tackle the toughest of jobs and the smallest of tasks. From fixing a shelf or a hinge to constructing a far more involved, superior build.

I like the big jobs. I can get my bits stuck into them and can show my operator what I’m made of. I come with a warrantee should they push me too far and strain me or use me in a way or on a surface I am not designed for, despite the clear instructions in my packaging. I am a superior piece of machinery but I’m not indestructible. You can’t get me fixed for free if you leave me out in the rain!

I’m a bit of a socialite and have been seen on other builds apart from my owners. I enjoy being seen and used by other more qualified operators. The word gets around that I’m the drill for the job. I get passed around with pride on the proviso that I am returned intact, with all my bits present and correct. I run a tight ship, I don’t like my bits out of order in my box!

I’ve even made it to the ‘Big Time’. I had a small part in a reno reality TV show! I was with a visiting celebrity tradie, and we had our five seconds of fame while three of the contestants argued over stolen ideas. I should have been included in the credits!

But when all is said and done – they can keep the glitz; real drills don’t need the glamour.