Widespread petition support

Southern Downs ARK started a petition to implement the NDN in the region.

By Emily-Rose Toohey

A petition from Southern Downs ARK calling for council to help implement the National Desexing Network (NDN) has gained over 1300 signatures over the past months.

According to the Animal Welfare League of Queensland’s (AWLQ) factsheet, the NDN is a targeted, ongoing low-cost desexing program.

“It helps residents in need prevent abandonment and euthanasia of cats, and reduces numbers of wandering and unowned cats,” the AWLQ factsheet said.

Southern Downs ARK administrator Kathleen Keefe said council needs to spend $10,000 a year to subsidise cat desexing costs for people on pensions and low income earners – the NDN organises the administration and deals with the applications.

“There has been overwhelming support from the community,“ Kathleen said.

“Every signature was collected face-to-face and our most commonly asked question was, ’why don’t we have it’?“

Southern Downs Regional Council’s (SDRC) Cat Management Strategy (2021 – 2024) said that council is investigating ways to offer a desexing and microchipping subsidy to all residents of the region.

“Initiatives run through the NDN and the RSPCA are currently being considered,“ the strategy said.

“Any initiatives will be dependent on operational budgets and will be reviewed annually or when funding limits are reached.“

However, Kathleen said ARK will be presenting the petition to council for their consideration.

“Most people who signed the petition are aware of the NDN being implemented in other areas,“ she said.

“It’s cheaper than taking the cats to the pound, and we took in close to 1000 last year.

The petition was available for signing at Neville Produce in Applethorpe and the following locations in Warwick: Aquabird Pet Centre, Total Dog Grooming, ihear Hearing Clinic, GO VITA, The Scoop Health Foods, Tips ‘n’ Toes by Lisa, and the Warwick Golf Club bistro.