GALLERY: Killarney community remembers Vietnam veterans

The Killarney community gathered today to remember the 56th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan in 1966. Photos: Dominique Tassell.

By Dominique Tassell

The Killarney community gathered today to remember the 56th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan in 1966.

Vietnam veterans, their families and friends, and other members of the community attended the service.

Rod Petersen was the Master of Ceremonies, and Reverend Rosemary Peterson, RSL Sub-branch Chaplain, led the community in prayer.

Southern Downs Regional Councillor Marco Gliori was in attendance and read two poems from Jean R William’s book Homecoming.

David Nicholls read the Veteran’s Prayer, and Carl Wynn read the Ode.

The memorial service, held at the Killarney cenotaph, was organised by the Killarney RSL Sub-branch to honour the service of all Australians who served their country during peacekeeping missions and war.

Locals laid wreaths during the service and gathered at the Killarney RSl Sub-branch Hall afterwards for lunch.

On 18 August 1966, during the Battle of Long Tan, 17 Australians were killed and a further 25 were wounded.

Each year, on the anniversary of the battle, memorials are held across the country to acknowledge and pay respects to the 60,000 Australian men and women who served their country through the Vietnam War