Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from this week…

Rain severely affected the yarding of cattle for the weekly sale as the amounts that fell hampered the yarding and trucking over a large number of properties still drying out.

The 269 head yarded was still firm to a shade dearer for the back to the paddock and feed on types. Sheep and Lamb numbers were less affected with the similar number of 1220 head presented for sale.

The yarding was dominated by light restocker and feed-on types which tended to draw the prices back.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 673.1c/kg topping at 708.2c/kg or $1517.52 to $1810.12

Vealer heifers averaged 536.2c/kg topping at 602.2c/kg or $1164.34 to $1920.63

Feeder steers averaged 518.5c/kg topping at 576.2c/kg or $2023.49 to $2500.78

Feeder heifers averaged 458.2c/kg topping at 458.2c/kg or $1876.72

Yearling steers averaged 542.1c/kg topping at 658.2c/kg or $1645.93 to $2204.95

Steers averaged 393.6c/kg topping at 406.2c/kg or $2021.67 to $2641.32

Heifers averaged 381.8c/kg topping at 440.2c/kg or $1450.76 to $1694.77

Manufacturing steers averaged 301.5c/kg topping at 310.2c/kg or $1718.34 to $2248.95

Cows averaged 323.8c/kg topping at 394.2c/kg or $1888.72 to $2739.69

Bulls averaged 400.2c/kg topping at 618.2c/kg or $1431.58 to 2850.00

Sheep and lamb numbers

Lambs topped at $191 to average $126.17 a drop of $5/head

Hoggets topped at $180 to average $91.05 a drop of $63/head

Ewes topped at $146 to average $81.98 a drop of $48/head

Wethers topped at $152 to average $87.48 a drop of $34/head

Rams topped at $173 to average $97.25 a drop of $12/head

Lamb rams topped at $160 to average $148 a rise of $73/head

Ewe lambs topped at $168 to average $142.17 a drop of $15/head

The total yarding saw an average of $115.03/head a drop of $18/head.

Pig and poultry numbers

Boars sold to $140, Sows sold from $122 to $300, Pork sold from $128 to $196, spit pigs sold from $60 to $140

Guinea fowl sold to $20, Roosters to $20, Hens to $75, Pullets to $12.50, Chickens to $65, Geese to $40, Drakes to $30, Ducks to $12.50

Agents today along with the vendors presented a total of 1220 head for the weekly sale. The yarding

was of a very mixed quality with a higher than usual number of light and seasonally affected stock

making it to the sale. The lambs were drawn from the South West as well as local and New England

vendors. The higher proportion of light and feed on lambs saw the market falter after the small forward

steps of previous sales. Lambs topped at $191 to average $126.17($5down), hoggets topped at $180 to

average $91.05 ($63down), ewes topped at $146 to average $81.98($48down), wethers topped at $152

to average $87.48($34down), rams topped at $173 to average $97.25 ($12down), lamb rams topped at

$160 to average $148($73 up), ewe lambs topped at $168 to average $142.17($15down). The total

yarding averaged $115.03 drop of $18/head across the yard.

• Karl and Kate Hinshelwood sold Dorset x lambs 44.1kg to restockers for $135

• Rory and Kathy Frost sold Dorper lambs 44kg to Jock Young Meats for $182

• Trev and Val Lindenmayer sold Dorper x lambs 45kg to Jock Young Meats for $152

• Mc Lean Farms sold White Dorper lambs 43kg to Leslie Lamb for $147, 37.9kg to restockers for $137, 33kg to restockers for $96, 30kg to restockers for $70, ram lambs 45kg to Take It Easy Meats for $120

• Simon Mascardri sold Dorper x 40kg lambs to Leslie Lamb for $140, 80kg hoggets to Eversons for $142

• Bernie and Pauline Skewes sold White Suffolk ewe lambs to restockers for $89 and $80, 50kg ewe hoggets to restockers for $65, rams to restockers for $173

• James Cowlishaw sold Merino hoggets 54.7kg to Eversons for $120, Merino wethers to Eversons for $128

• Andrew Parsons sold Merino wethers to Eversons for $129