Q&A with Desleigh Volpato

Desleigh Volpato.

This week’s Q&A is with Stanthorpe identity Desleigh Volpato. Many would know her from her role as President of the Zonta Club of Stanthorpe. Thank you for your time and insight Desleigh!

Q. If you could spend 24 hours anywhere, any year, where would you choose?

Northern Italy

Q. What’s something people may not know about you?

I have anxiety

Q. How do you relax after a long day?

A long walk around our property then sharing a nice dinner and a good red wine with my husband.

Q. What are you most grateful for?

My beautiful family.

Q. What would your last meal on earth be?

Fresh seafood buffet

Q. Do you prefer coffee or tea?


Q. What are you currently reading and what’s the best book you’ve read?

Currently reading Stolen Focus, “Why you can’t pay attention”. The best book is Mao’s Last Dancer

Q. What is your favourite spot in our region?

Girraween National Park

Q. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Q. Which six guests, dead or alive, would be invited to your ultimate dinner party?

Dame Helen Mirren, Turia Pitt, Tommy Little, Shane Warne, Nigella Lawson, Ed Sheeran.

Q. What is your favourite movie?

The Notebook