SDRC tightlipped on future of Killarney

Killarney residents have called for increased library services.

By Dominique Tassell

Southern Downs Regional Council has spoken about the possibility of increased library services in Killarney.

Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi said the mobile library service has served the community for many years and will continue to do so.

“That service still exists,” he said.

Mayor Pennisi stated that locals’ concerns have been passed on to staff, and officers are currently looking at options for the area.

He said there are a number of options, but would not disclose these options while discussions are underway.

If the community wants a service similar to that in Allora, he said, they would have to look at where this could go in town, who would be there, and how much it would cost.

“Officers are reviewing what’s there and what could be there,” Mayor Pennisi said.

He said they would bring their findings to Council, and expected this would happen before the next budget.

Cr Ross Bartley said there has never been a library in Killarney, but did have a “level of service” through the mobile library.

He said this had originally been put in place by the Rosenthal Shire Council.

“The only way to increase services is to find funding,” he said.

Cr Bartley stated that the mobile library was reduced in size in part due to drivers needing a special licence.

“When it came up for renewal, they reduced it to a smaller bus.”

He said the past few years have seen major change that was out of the Council’s control

Cr Bartley stated he is not aware of any future plans for library facilities in Killarney at this time.

“If Council were to consider it, I think a lot of options might be put on the table.”

“If it’s possible (that would) give the community a level of service,” he said.

Cr Bartley said it’s important to retain the services we already have, such as the libraries in Stanthorpe, Allora, and Warwick.

“If we need to look at alternatives in delivering a similar service then we need to do it as a Council.”

He said he understood the local sentiment, and the need for services of some kind to support those who can’t travel to Warwick to use the library there.

“I can understand the genuine angst from people,” he said.

Cr Bartley voted against the Stanthorpe Library and Art Gallery project in the 10 August Ordinary Council Meeting but said he “fully supports” the decision of Council.

He said he was concerned about the amount of money being spent covering extra costs for the project.

“I was just concerned about the effect on ratepayers,” he said. “It’s equivalent to a six per cent rate increase.”

“We live in uncertain times and have to show a whole lot of conservatism.”