Killarney set to get a little library amid big push for library facilities

The Killarney Heritage Centre is set to get a little library, says Angela Phillips.

By Dominique Tassell

With many Killarney locals speaking out about the lack of library facilities in the area, one group is doing something to provide the community with books in the meantime.

Angela Phillips from the Killarney & District Historical Society said she is very supportive of the push for a public meeting to discuss the lack of library services.

“In the meantime we are trying to get an old red telephone box set up as a little library at the Heritage Centre in Willow Street Killarney.

The phone box was donated to the group, and the Warwick Woodies helped put it together and painted it. Killarney Heritage Centre members then put in the glass and a concrete pad to house the phone box.

Angela said the group has lots of books ready to go into the little library, and just need to move the phone box onto the concrete pad, add in some shelving, and secure the roof on the telephone box before it’s ready to go.

Angela said she reached out to Southern Downs Regional Council for some assistance with this but was informed they could not help. The Killarney Men’s Shed has since reached out to offer their assistance.

She said she’s disappointed by the Council at the moment.

She said they’ve “tried to shut down library facilities out here for so long” and know how important they are to locals.

It’s been brought up at two Connecting with Council meetings that locals would like to see improved library facilities.

Angela said she understands that the mobile library had to be shut down for Covid but it hasn’t started up again.

“It went everywhere, it’s important.”

She said it would be good if they started the mobile library up again, but the smaller van still isn’t adequate.

“The large truck had more stock,” she said.

The inability to browse as you would in a normal library is the van’s downfall for many locals.

Angela said the smaller van is too hot in summer, and needs two staff members but only has one.

She said the staff do the best they can.

“The girls are very good and very accommodating.”

Angela said she understands the previous Council were looking at options for a library in Killarney and feels “this Council doesn’t have this as a priority”.

The Council has stated that they are exploring options for increased library services in Killarney, and Angela said locals would like to know what they’re looking at.

She said the Stanthorpe project is “coming out of our pockets” and it seems unfair that the Council “can find money for that facility but not one out here”.

Angela said locals have been calling for a multi-purpose building, where locals can get their books but all pay their rates and bills.

“That’s the ideal,” she said. “We realise times are hard.”

In the meantime, Killarney looks set to get a little library, joining a slew of others in the region including the ones at Swanfels, Mt Colliery, and Maryvale.

Angela said she’s heard that Tannymorel is looking to set one up as well.

She’s like to thank everyone who’s offered the Heritage Centre help with their little library, and is grateful for the community coming together.

“We‘ve all got to work together,” she said.