Warwick West students donate to local rescue

The Warwick West State School community recently came together to donate a carload of goodies to Southern Downs ARK. Photo: contributed.

By Dominique Tassell

The Warwick West State School community recently came together to donate a carload of goodies to Southern Downs ARK.

Jo Bryant from Warwick West said that “families donated what they could including dog and cat food, bedding, towels, and more”.

She said the donation was initiated and coordinated by Warwick West’s Student Council which is made up of students from years five and six.

Southern Downs Ark administrator Kate Keefe said “it was a generous donation of towels and cat and dog food”.

“We’re very grateful for all donations, big and small, and it’s heartening to see our young citizens supporting animal rescue.”

Kate said ARK’s expenses are “currently averaging $22,000 a month”.

That’s for food, litter, medications and veterinary expenses.

ARK is currently looking for foster carers for their dogs, as they have “been inundated with unwanted and homeless dogs of late”.

Kate said this is probably a result of the housing crisis.

“Unfortunately, adoptions have slowed,” she said. “All rescues are in the same position – too many dogs, not enough foster carers, too few adoptions.”

ARK works together with other rescue groups to save animals from euthanasia, and posts on their social media asking for help when a dog is a risk of being put down.

You can find them on Facebook by searching Southern Downs ARK.

Kate said if anyone is interested in making a donation of their own, the best place to start is ARK’s website at southerndownsark.com.au/donations/.

Donations of goods can also be left at Fran’s Total Dog Grooming on Wood Street.

Kate said they also have a number of valued donors who pledge a monthly cash donation, which is both great for their cash flow and for the donor’s budget.

“As ARK has deductible gift recipient status, we issue receipts for cash donations in July every year,” Kate said. “That way donors can claim a tax deduction.

Kate said the ARK-branded t-shirt also attracts some great “spur of the moment” donations.

“Just last week, one of our volunteers, wearing an ARK shirt, was approached at the supermarket checkout by a donor who paid for the pet food the volunteer was in the process of buying,” she said. “Random acts of kindness!”