Tanny frocks up

Beautiful gowns are set to be on display in Tannymorel this month. Photo: supplied.

Beautiful gowns are set to be on display in Tannymorel this month.

The gowns, originally owned by Dulcie Mason, will be on display in Tannymorel Hall on Oak Street on Saturday 12 November from 10am to 2pm.

Dulcie lived in Acland and attended balls throughout the area. Each year from the 1950s to 1990s she would design a new gown and ask her friend Thelma Beutel who was a talented seamstress to make it.

Seventy gowns belonging to Dulcie are now lovingly kept by the Australian Cultural Library in Rosewood. In harmony with the family’s wishes, these are made available periodically for display for not-for-profit and similar organisations as fundraisers.

The gowns recall the days when country towns hosted balls frequently. Women who were used to hard work besides their husbands would take time to shine.

And Dulcie loved to shine. People would be in expectation saying, “I wonder what Dulcie will be wearing”.

Those involved hope seeing these frocks brings back lovely memories for those in attendance.

This event is being organised by the Tannymorel Hall Committee and the Killarney and District Historical Society.