Council urges residents to report vandalism

Vandalism costs ratepayers money. Photo: Contributed.

Over the past two months, there has been a significant rise in the amount of vandalism at numerous public amenities across the region, including Weeroona Park, Leslie Park, Australiana Park and Canning Park.

Vandalism costs ratepayers money, exposes the community to health risks, limits the availability of public amenities and restricts the capacity of council staff to complete work that is more beneficial to the community.

While cautioning residents not to approach vandals in the act, council is urging people to report suspicious activities to the Queensland Police Service through Policelink or Crime Stoppers.

Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi said that senseless acts of vandalism not only had a disruptive impact on the community, but also diverted ratepayer dollars and council crews from other priority projects.

“I’m disappointed that some members of our historically proud community see the need to intentionally destroy public property with no regard to the impact on the community,” Mayor Pennisi said.

“Vandalism has a very real follow-on effect as costly repairs, clean-ups and monitoring eat into ratepayer dollars that could be spent elsewhere.

“Our parks and amenities contribute greatly to the liveability of our region and our outdoor crews work proudly to make these spaces enjoyable and inviting for locals and visitors.

“Our outdoor crews are members of our community. Fathers and mothers who want to enjoy our parks and open spaces with their families too. But when their day job is to counteract extreme vandalism of our amenities, these spaces become a place of mental stress and anxiety for them.

“Council has a zero-tolerance policy on vandalism and we need to work together as a community to stop vandalism.

“I would like to encourage our community to take a hard stand and report suspicious activities so we can reduce the pressure on the public purse and protect public assets.”

Warwick Police officer in charge, Acting Senior Sergeant Cam Slater, said police would continue to work with council and the community to reduce vandalism across the region.

“It is disappointing to see these acts of vandalism in council parks and property – spaces which are provided for the enjoyment of the community,” Mr Slater said.

“We are committed to working with Council to prevent these types of offences and to bring the perpetrators to account.

“I would encourage any community member to advise police if they see any of these offences being committed or if they have information which could lead to the identity of the offenders.”

Information can be given to Policelink (131444) or Crimestoppers (1800 333 000). Please phone 000 in an emergency.