What Happens when Men Knit?

The 'movers and shakers' of the film. Photo: contributed.

Every year in Warwick, a collective call rings out “What are we going to do for Jumpers and Jazz this year”? and the ideas begin to flow amongst the gifted masters of yarn.

900 kilometres away a truck driver, Warwick resident Wendy Cochrane, in a Coal mine had a thought….’I wonder what happens when men knit’? Soon a small group of likeminded people in the local Wesleyan Methodist Church had a vision to produce a documentary about men knitting. They hadn’t had any experience making a film but jumped in anyway with the help of Film Editor Kyle Johnson, Cameraman Dustin Heslin, and Bob Loxly from our local radio.

Research revealed that there was more to knitting than they thought, and it was worth setting the record straight on who knits and why.

They approached women to ask if they knew any men who knit, and they doubted there would be any. We approached men and asked the same question, only to be told ‘it’s women’s work’.

The search for men who knit reaped scant numbers locally, but we harnessed their stories and willingness to share them.

The film premiered during this year’s Jumpers and Jazz festival, with many men in the audience who had no idea of men’s role in the in the history of knitting, and were pleasantly surprised. There has been new interest in men learning to knit since. Emboldened by the film, many more men have revealed they knit and are proud of it.

Knitting’s history contains not only design and manufacturing, it contains espionage, nerves of steel, cold hard business, Tall Ships, and great wealth.

This intriguing short film, along with Wendy and her engaging back story, will be presented at Rose City Probus Club of Warwick on Wednesday November 16 at RSL Club Warwick.

The morning starts at 9:30am. Visitors are welcome and will need to book in for catering purposes.

Phone Marion on 0499 267 547 or Lesley on 4661 4273.

You are guaranteed a very warm welcome.