GALLERY: Warwick community observes Remembrance Day

The Warwick community paused on 11 November at 11 am to remember Australians who have given their lives in war. Photos: Dominique Tassell.

By Dominique Tassell

The Warwick community paused today to remember Australians who have given their lives in war.

On 11 November 1918, the guns of the Western Front fell silent after four years of continuous warfare in the First World War.

In the four years of that war, more than 330,000 Australians had served overseas and more than 60,000 of them had died.

The Warwick Sub-Branch held its Remembrance Day Service in Leslie Park today, and prioritised youth involvement in the Service.

Schoolchildren from across the town had a leading role throughout the Service.

They were involved in delivering the Address, Poem “In Flanders Fields”, Pledge of Remembrance, and Wreath Laying.

The Sub-Branch has stated that “as our veterans grow older it is important students continue to be more involved in Commemorations such as Remembrance Day, ANZAC Day and Vietnam Veterans Day to carry the tradition on and past from generation to generation”.

Students also provided the Catafalque Party and Flag at Half Mast and Mast Head.

William Auger from Scots PGC gave the address, while Warwick Christian College’s Primary Captains Chloe Vaughn and Annabelle Wright read the poem ‘In Flanders Field’.

St Mary’s School student Logan Hallman read out the Pledge of Remembrance, stating that:

Australian soldiers – hear this pledge- your flag flies in the sun

And now we take a minute to remember what you’ve done

When you went away to battle, you were proud as proud can be

And you did it for your country, yes, you flew the flag for me

Now we live our life with freedom when we work and when we play

For that, my heart says “Thank you’ on this very special day

And as we go, we take the words that sing Australia’s song

“I am young and I am worthy, I am brave and I am strong

In the face of any challenge, I will strive to rise above

I deserve this opportunity to live, to learn, to love

I can truly make a difference; my path is up to me

And this is my commitment – be the best that I can be.”