Teen death rocks college

Will Turner will be remembered as a young man who had the world at his feet. Photo: Sourced

By Melissa Coleman

The Texas teenager who tragically died after the utility he was driving veered into oncoming traffic near Gladfield on Sunday is remembered as a keen campdrafter who had the world at his feet and a much-loved part of the graduating class of 2022 from Scots PGC College.

The accident happened 20 kilometres northwest of Warwick just days after the Year 12 cohort graduated.

Principal at Scots PGC College, Kyle Thompson, said Will was a much-loved member of the college community.

“He was looking forward to embarking on the next step of his journey after school as an apprentice boilermaker,” Principal Thompson said.

“We understand that this event will have a deep impact on Will’s cohort, who are in our thoughts even though they are not on campus with us.”

The news sent shockwaves through the local community and both the Goondiwindi and Southern Downs regions.

“Support services are in place for students, including our graduated Year 12s, staff or any college community members,” Principal Thompson continued.

“We are all profoundly shocked by this heartbreaking accident.”

“Our immediate thoughts are with his family during this extremely difficult time,” she said.

Will, 17, is also remembered for being a gifted horseman who competed at campdraft events across Queensland.

A spokesperson for the Australian Campdrafting Association said Will had the world at his feet.

“It is terribly sad to see someone taken far too soon,” the spokesperson said.

“ACA expresses our sincerest condolences to Will’s family.”

The crash also saw the five occupants of the other two vehicles transported to the Warwick hospital with non-life threatening injuries, including a three-year-old child.

The highway was closed in both directions for several hours.

The initial investigation suggests the causal factor could be distraction.

Police are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with dashcam footage from the area to come forward.

Investigations are continuing.