Rotarians update Days for Girls on Nepal trip

Allora and district Days for Girls (DfG) hosted Stephen and Peta Tancred at the Golden Wattle café at Allora RSL.

By Kaylene Williams

Allora and district Days for Girls (DfG) hosted Stephen and Peta Tancred at the Golden Wattle café at Allora RSL on 7 November.

They gave and insightful presentation about Stanthorpe Rotary’s involvement in the distribution of DfG kits in Nepal.

Allora DfG executive members, Heather, Lenore and Kaylene attended the ‘Decade of Days’ conference of Days for Girls Australia Limited in Brisbane on the weekend of the 19-20 November.

The self- funded attendance allowed them to liaise with other DfG groups, co-ordinators and people from PNG, Kiribati, Fiji, Timor-Leste, Solomon Islands and Marshall Islands.

Their presentations as well as zoom sessions from USA, Canada and Cambodia provided insight into cultural, health and educational issues associated with menstrual health for girls and women in their societies and how DfG is helping to change attitudes.

The 2022 refugee pack which Allora DfG contributed 510 packs is to be sent to Somalia via World Vision Canada. Last year’s kits are currently being distributed in Burundi in Africa.

Another fundraising initiative Allora DfG has begun is a “Container for Cash’ account.

People and businesses may like to use the code ‘C10749279’ when depositing their eligible containers and refund will be directly deposited into the Allora DfG account.

Please contact Kaylene via the Allora DfG email if you would like containers to be collected or they can be brought along or dropped off at any monthly gatherings.

Recently DfG Australia has been asked to provide 2500 kits for Sudan. Allora group has offered to give 200-plus kits if needed.

On Sunday 4 December and Sunday 11 December, Allora and district DfG will be selling raffle at the Warwick RSL Club between 11am-1pm.

Prizes are provided by the RSL. After the target amount is reached, all subsequent profits go to Allora DfG.

So please, encourage all your family and friends to have a meal at the RSL on these days or drop in and buy some raffle tickets to support Allora and district DfG.

Allora DfG will be having a multi-draw raffle as part of the Allora Heritage weekend on the 28th/29th January 2023.

If any businesses or people would like to donate vouchers or prizes to go in our wheelbarrow for the prizes for this day, please contact us.

As always the group is requesting donations of: new ladies knickers, small hotel style soaps, new face washers, new 100% cotton (non-stretch) material or monetary donations so please think of us, if you are doing a cupboard clean out. Items can be dropped into Allora True Value Hardware store, Cassaz Colourful Curls Allora or Bryson’s Florist Warwick marked as Days for Girls.

If dropping items in can you please text, phone or email contacts below so that we know to pick things up as not all executive members live in town. Monetary donations over $2 are tax deductable and can be transferred to: Allora Days for Girls, BSB 064032 Acc: 10127292.

Items can also be dropped off at gathering times.

The next gathering will be the Christmas breakup on Friday 25 Nov. The aim is to have finished our projects by 11am and then have a Christmas lunch. Please bring something along for a shared lunch.

Much frivolity is anticipated. It will be held at the Function Room, MacKillop House, Warwick St, Allora, next to St Patricks Church, entry via McKillop Lane. All are welcome, sewers and non-sewers.

For those who had previously attended, it would be great to see you back. Coffee and tea provided.

We hope to see you then.

Thank you – Allora and district Days for Girls executive team – Heather Goonan Mobile 0434 907 904,

Lenore Wissemann Mobile 0428 973 432, Shirley Cornhill and Kaylene Williams or email: .