Police frequently at gorge

The gorge in flood is very dangerous. Police say they frequently detect drivers ignoring Road Closed signs “mostly during flood type events”.

By Amelia Willmer

Day-trippers who ignore the Road Closed signs at Cambanoora Gorge are risking the lives of their passengers and themselves and are breaking the law, police have warned.

Warwick Police spokesman Snr Sgt Cameron Slater said is was an offence to drive past Road Closed signs.

He said drivers who do so can be issued with an Infringement Notice and fined up to $862.

“These offences are frequently detected by police, mostly during flood type events.”

He said emergency services vehicles are exempt and are permitted to drive through when a road is closed provided they are responding to an emergency.

Families living at the gorge fear that the concreting of three of the river crossings will encourage more and more 4WDs into the gorge.

“Here we have our police saying these offences are frequently detected,” said Gorge resident Justine Hankin.

“It shows that the Road Closed signs are obviously not effective.

“For years we have been calling on Southern Downs Regional Council to conduct a proper traffic impact study.

“Such a study should should now be top priority before they go ahead with concreting the three river crossings.”