Sports shorts

Jill Barnes was back in the Winner's circle on Saturday - the Winner of the Division One Monthly Medal.


Wednesday this past week marked a new month of the golfing calendar for the members of the Warwick Ladies Golf Club. A small but dedicated group of ladies hit the course to play a Single Stableford from the Red course markers. This fine group brushed aside heat that was almost unbearable.

Anne Lyons has been in outstanding form recently and continued in that same vein to return a winning score of 32 points and take home the winning voucher.

Hot on her heels (quite literally given the conditions) was Jacqui Croft, who is fitting in as much golf as she can before she heads away to work again. She returned a very creditable score of 31points but had to survive a countback with Lyn McKillop (31) before being declared the runner up. surviving a countback from Lyn McKillop also with 31.

The remainder of scores were Di Johnston (28), Mary Young (25), Michelle Wright (20), Roslyn Darton. The pro pin on the 11th hole, was won by Mary Young with a shot that was 1470mm’s from the hole.

The Danny Lyons Sports Store Single Stableford will be contested at date to be advised.


The Warwick ladies played the February Monthly Medal on Saturday and once again conditions were quite extreme as the mercury soared.

Jill Barnes played very well returning a great score of 70nett for the round which earned her the Division one medal her first win of the year. Danielle Seibel (75) was the runner up in Division one following a countback with Anna Cox.

The run down went to: – Anna Cox (75), Molly Scotney (C/B) Melanie McLennan and Anne Lyons (76), Annice Payne (79), Narelle Norris (80), Mary Young (81), Margaret Adcock (82), Majella Kahler (83), Kath Devereux (84) and Gwen Mills.

Molly Scotney was on point with her putting (27 putts) and claimed the Div One putting prize. out the Putting for division 1 with 27 putts. She also had the Division one front approach while Jill Barnes had the best Back nine.

Carole Brandon returned to form to win the Division Two Medal her first of the new golfing year. with a well-played 76 nett.

Division Two saw Carole Brandon return to form, to secure her first medal of the year, with well-played 76 nett. Lyn McKillop was the runner up on a countback with 80 nett. The run downs in Division Two looked like this:- Sharron Cooper (80), Vicki Bennett (C/B) and Tub Ingall (81), Maria Carey (82), Roslyn Darton (C/B) and Yvonne Pinington (83), Wendy Rhea (85), Diane Evans (C/B) and Trish Roberts (87).

Lyn McKillop secured the Front Nine Approach for Div Two, while Carole Brandon took home the Back Nine approach. Topping off a good day Carole also won the Division Two putting with 28 putts.

The pro pin was shared between Anna Cox, Narelle Norris, Lyn McKillop, and Trish Roberts. Lynn Lane took out the best front nine.

The Monthly Medal event was kindly sponsored by the clubs in house caterers Birdie Bistro and Bar. The Ladies thank Neil and Samantha and appreciate their support.

The ladies were on course on Wednesday this week playing a Single Stableford sponsored by The Cherry Tree Coffee and Dining.

Next Saturday (11 February), the Ladies will be playing a Single Stableford in the Annual Captain’s verses Presidents Day. This is always a bit of fun, and those that have been both a Captain and a President, will always be on the winning team.

A reminder that if you wish to participate in the extra Ladies competitions (including the Annual Shootout), please indicate which the events you wish to nominate for on the forms provided in the Ladies room and pay your nomination fees using the envelopes. $40 will enter you into everything for the year.

A reminder also that if you have not paid you annual subs you will not be eligible to play any of our competitions until you are financial.

An internet transfer is preferred, but I am sure if you talk if you have any queries please speak with Troy in the pro shop.


Stanthorpe Sporters played the front nine on Sunday morning. With the course still set up from the club’s Medal round the previous day it was a tough day at the office.

John Rawlings kept a steady head through the nine holes and come out with the best score of the day, nett 23. Also on nett 23 was Angelo Maugeri but he missed out on top prize after the cards were cut.

Angelo’s round was not quite as steady as John’s and included a couple of low score and also a couple of bigger scores. Keep a close eye on Maugeri as he is getting close to a win.

Terry Byrnes always produces a steady round and his nett 25 was good enough to put him in the run-down category. Only one pin shot was on offer, the third hole and that was claimed by Mark Lynam. Matt Burgess shot the lowest gross round of the day. His score of 39 strokes just edging out usual winner, Paul Armstrong, by one shot.

Sporters will back on course this Sunday with the back nine in play. Tee off remains at the 8am timeslot and of course there is an open invitation for all comers to join the group.


The fine and very hot conditions at the Risdon Rifle Range on Sunday morning proved to be an ideal combination for shooter from the Southern Downs Rifle club who produced some excellent performances.

Dave Taylor once again topped the leader board with another good score. The Open class was a tight contest as is often the way. Neil Sexton narrowly edged out Richard McKillop for first place. The decision coming down to the “x” counts.

In a tight finish Bruce McAllan was only one point behind them.

In the Sporter/ Hunter class Geoff Vollmerhause had a good shoot to win the class ahead of Colin Grey.

300 yards F Class

Standard (max 126.)

Dave Taylor (124.12); Greg Wilson (119.8); Margaret Taylor (118.8); Kevin Jones (117.7); John (Cookie) Cook (114.5)

Open (max 126)

Neil Sexton (124.12); Richard McKillop (124.10); Bruce McAllan (123.12)

Sporter/Hunter (max 105)

Geoff Vollmerhause (103.13); Colin Gray (96.4); Jason Hannaford (80); Curtis Dunstan (72.1); Abby Hannaford (61)

This Sunday (12 February) the competition will be at the 400 yard mound. Sign on is at the usual summertime of 7.30am ready for an

8am start.

If you would like more information regarding Sunday’s shoot or the club and sport in general, please call Margaret (07 4666 1018). She will be able to provide further details.


With a new month rolling around, Stanthorpe Golfers played the February Monthly Medal and putting competition. The winning score in the men’s competition men’s winning score was nett 70 and that belonged to two players. Santo Cavallaro and Mark Baker. Following the countback Santo got the nod and Mark Baker settled for the runner’s up position on this occasion.

Both had played the front nine well however it was the back nine that in the end made the difference.

Unsurprisingly, Scott Constable had the best gross round in the men’s competition with 73 off the stick.

The day’s sponsor was sponsored by Wes Smith Building and Wes showed his putting ability by sharing the least number of putts for the round with Ivan Juriss, the pair requiring only 27 putts during their round.

Fiona Kelly won the Medal in the Ladies round after playing a very steady round of golf to return a score of nett 72. She finished three shots clear of runner up, Margie Locke (nett 75).

Lisa Stuart again returned the lowest gross score (92) in the Ladies comepitition and also had the least number putts, 30.

Rino Piovesan claimed the pin shot at three and Nathan Stibbard at 12. N a turn up the pin shot at 17 was not won.

Margie Locke won the Ladies Pin at three, Fiona Kelly at 12 and Lisa Stuart at 17. The Pro-pins went the way of Brad Silver (1/10), Rino Piovesan (5/14) and Aaron Simmers at 9/18. There were no takers for the birdies nest at 17.

The run down went to scores of nett 74 and better in the men’s comepitition and ladies with nett 79 and better were rewarded.

The ‘Golfer of the Year – 2023’ is back and after one month of competition, interim results for leaders in both the men’s and ladies’ section are available to view on the notice board.

All members are eligible to be in the event however players must be financial by the due date to continue in the competition.

This Saturday, (11 February), Matt and Nikki Waterworth are sponsoring an individual stroke event and there time sheet is on the board at the club.


Warwick Sporters fell victim to the heatwave conditions last week and a very small field played the Stroke event and fortunately it was not a “Heat Stroke” event.

With the course wet from the storm the previous evening buggies were out and the players walked the seven kms (give or take) around the course in 36 degree heat and 80% humidity.

“Won’t ever happen again,” was Danny Lyons only comment about the round.

Timothy Plemming survived the conditions to return a winning score of nett 69 and take the bikkies on offer. The runner up was Mr Consistent Josh Mainwaring (nett70) but not before a countback.

Josh Mainwaring won the Pro Pin at the 13 and was also NTP at the seventh. Don Stewart held the NTP at 11.

I thought only Englishmen went out in the noon day sun and of course the odd crazy cricketer that now needs to b amended to seriously crazy golfers.

I reliably informed all survived the ordeal thankfully.


The Warwick Golf Club has introduced a new Junior programme for all ages. The programme will cover all aspects of the game including driving, iron play, pitching, putting and playing golf.

For further information please contact the Pro shop on (07) 4661 3664. Alternatively interested juniors can register on Register online.


The Langham Slashers Social Golf Club report they had a great turn out on Sunday 29 January with 20 players teeing off on the back nine.

Conditions were very damp with no run and waterlogged bunkers after a little more than 40mls of rain on Saturday night. l.

Honours went to one of the Slashers new members, Michael McMahon who collected an RSL shirt.

Dave Nayler, another Wickham’s employee, was runner-up following a countback. Best gross for the morning was Josh Manwaring with a 42.

Another Jamie Ollerton another new to Langham Slashers but certainly not Warwick Golf, won the award for least putts (12).

Josh Manwaring monster drive down the 15th easily won him the Longest drive.

Peter Seidel was NTP at the 11th and Mark (DOG) Simmonds at the 16th.

Leanne Manwaring, another new member, was the winner of both Bradman & Ollie balls.

At the completion of play, a putt off was held on the practice green.

As players had to putt through debris on the greens during the round, a line-up of bark and twigs were spread prior to the putt off along the target line to the hole. Not to be put off Bert Bounds came up trumps and collected the cash.

No results available yet for last Sunday’s round.

Langham Slasher’s Session 6am and 6.30am each Sunday morning for their nine-hole comp. You don’t need an invitation to play simply front up and you will be welcomed.