Kings again play an important role

Warwick Bridge Club.


Dealer: N Vul: E/W


♠ J

♥ J108

♦ J42

♣ AKJ1062


♠ 10987532 ♠ AQ64

♥ — ♥ AKQ9643

♦ 9873 ♦ K6

♣ 43 ♣ —


♠ K

♥ 752

♦ AQ105

♣ Q9875

As was the case last week, Kings again played an important role in one result. On Board 9 (above) from last Monday an unusual distribution allowed East/West the opportunity for some adventurous bidding. It is common for bidding to start at a low level e.g. 1D announces a commitment to make seven of the 13 possible tricks with diamonds as trumps.

Looking at the shape and strength of his hand Peter Campbell (East) opened the bidding with 4C. This bid showed a very strong hand and asked partner (West) if partner held any Aces. As West’s response of 4D showed no Aces, Peter signed off in 4H. Tony Hinde (West) could have passed but decided that his hand was of no value unless spades were trumps. Tony therefore bid 4S, which became the final contract.

Only Nea McGinness and Tony were prepared to bid 4S without a single honour card in their hands. North, on lead at the two tables where 4S became the contract, had to choose between a club lead or a diamond. A diamond lead would have given North/South the first two tricks, but the at both tables the club King was the lead that allowed declarer to make thirteen tricks for a score of 710. The club was routinely trumped in dummy (East). The two declarers (Nea and Peter) could see that there were only two trumps missing. They were the King and Jack of spades. Again, the simple play of the Ace of spades was the winning play. Both missing cards fell under the Ace. Another singleton King hit the dust. With seven trumps to go with seven hearts both Peter and Nea had no trouble discarding four diamonds and a club from the West hand. Carla Hall and Lindy Manson did well by stealing the contract at their table by taking the auction to 6C by South. This cost only 300 when doubled.

Results, Monday, 30/01/23 (6-table Mitchell): N/S N. Bonnell H. Price (61.7) 1; N. Collins M. Simpson (58.0) 2; J. Nankervis P. Kelly (57.7) 3. E/W C. Duggan L Munson (58.3) 1; Jenny Smith N. McGinness (55.7) 2; P. Campbell T. Hinde (53.0) 3. Friday, 03/02/23 (5-table Mitchell): N/S T. Hinde J. Mobbs (60.4) 1; N. Collins M. Simpson (60.0) 2 eq; Jenny Smith R. Hart (60.0) 2 eq. E/W P. Kelly D. Moran (57.9) 1; J. Nankervis L. Munson (55.4) 2; B. Reid J. McKeen (50.0) 3.