Hannah’s parents guest-speakers at Warwick luncheon fundraiser


By Amelia Willmer

Everyone in Australia’s heart aches for Sue and Lloyd Clarke.

Nothing can ever compensate for the tragic loss of their daughter Hannah, and her three children, Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey, who were brutally murdered on 19 February 2020.

Sue and Lloyd are coming to Warwick on Saturday 18 March to throw their support behind a fund-raising bid for Protea Place for which they have pledged $25,000.

They will be guest speakers at a luncheon at the Warwick RSL to which everyone on the Southern Downs is invited.

Spokeswoman for Protea Place, Kathy Payne, said: “Despite unimaginable grief, Sue and Lloyd have shown extraordinary dedication to educating Australia on the dangers of coercive control and domestic violence.

“Through their foundation, Small Steps 4 Hannah, they have become close friends and supporters of Protea Place and the support it will provide to women on the Southern Downs. They love what Protea Place is and what it does.

“The lunch on 18 March will help raise much-needed funds to open our doors in June following the completion of the refurbishment of the old Uniting Church Manse.”

Protea Place will be a day refuge providing wrap-around care for all women aged over 18.

There will be practical assistance such as hot meals, hot showers and laundry facilities, as well as professional support services to provide advice on and assistance with domestic violence, child safety, housing, mental health, physical health, connectedness, legal support and advocacy.

“No one will be left on the doorstop,” Kathy said.

The service’s names is derived from the Protea flower as a symbol of diversity and courage, and its ability to grow and thrive in hostile environments.

Protea Place receives no government funding and relies on community financial donations, sponsorship, community grants and active fundraising.

The luncheon will help reach their goal of raising $130,000 to pay for the first year of operations when they open their doors in June.

“Local entertainers will perform at the event and there will be fabulous multi-draw raffles,“ Kathy said.

She thanked generous Stanthorpe sponsors, The Brewery and McMahon’s Orchards.

The event starts at 12 noon. Tickets are $75 and can be booked at Toowoomba Tickets or by contacting Protea CEO Amanda Dalton at amandad@protea.org.au