Facing the heat

The opening day of the Bullecourt Bounders 2023 Orienteering season proved popular despite the very hot conditions in Warwick on Sunday

Heat was not enough to deter the keen orienteering competitors on Sunday and Warwick.

Bullecourt Bounders Club spokesperson Liz Bourne said the club’s first event of the year at Victoria Park was “very well attended”.

“Despite the extreme heat quite a few club members were eager for a run after a lay off over summer,” Bourne said.

“The event also drew a number of new people and families keen to try the sport.”

The club’s next event will be held in Stanthorpe on Sunday, 26 February at Gleeson Park.

The course mapped takes in areas of the parks and streets along Quart Pot Creek.

Again new comers are most welcome.

More in depth details of the event can be found on the Orienteering calendar by visiting the website www.oq.asn/au/event calendar or by calling (07) 4683 6374.